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这似乎已经成为新常态了。Buried Bombshell: Tennis World Rocked as FIFTEEN “Fully Vaccinated” Players Unable to Finish Miami Open

Tennis fans are upset and the sporting world is reeling after an unprecedented number of players either withdrew or retired from the Miami Open this week. A total of 15 players were unable to finish, including the male and female favorites to win. According to Free West Media: The tennis world reacted with shock after […]

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 这似乎已经成为新常态了。Buried Bombshell: Tennis World Rocked as FIFTEEN “Fully Vaccinated” Players Unable to Finish Miami Open +6
    Tennis fans are upset and the sporting world is reeling after an unprecedented number of players either withdrew or retired from the Miami Open this week. A total of 15 players were unable to finish, including the male and female favorites to win. According to Free West Media: The tennis world reacted with shock after […]
    • +1
    • 15?! This is crazy! +1
      • 以后这种比赛, 没打过疫苗的普通人去随便比划比划就好了。打了n针的职业运动员都场边看看, 休息休息就行😂 +3
        • 你们当过妈的给说说,这打球透支还是生孩子透支啊?我仔细想想这个很Scary。
    • 往正面想,以后打架斗殴、甚至赌博,也会少点吧?太激动、太兴奋导致血流过快、心跳过速的活动都会少点,因为一会就体力不支了,再坚持就可能直接倒地不起、一命呜呼。 +1