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The Australian Government is finally admitting the jab is deadly. 澳大利亚政府终于承认注射是致命的。他们为那些因注射疫苗而死亡的人支付葬礼费用。然而,即使他们承认通过这一举措注射是致命的,他们仍然没有禁止他们。凶残的意图,仍然在原地,超级清晰。

BeachMilk on Gab: 'The Australian government acknowledge that people are dying from the COVID-19 vaccine, and offer to pay funeral costs to show what ‘kind-hearted killers’ they really are. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/deceased-covid-19-vaccine-recipient-payments-and-funeral-costs-you-can-claim-through-covid-19?context=55953'