原文 - Rate per 100,000 (7-day average) is the average rate of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 for each vaccination status for the previous 7 days as noted. The rate of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 is calculated by dividing the number of deaths for a vaccination status, by the total number of people with the same vaccination status, and then multiplying by 100,000.
Google翻译后的全文 - 每 100,000 人的死亡率(7 天平均值)是如前所述的前 7 天每种疫苗接种状态下每 100,000 人 COVID-19 的平均死亡率。每 100,000 人中 COVID-19 死亡率的计算方法是,用某种疫苗接种状态的死亡人数除以具有相同疫苗接种状态的总人数,然后乘以 100,000。
链接 - Case numbers, spread and deaths | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario