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视频:看看这个是不是真的。福特要宣布安省取消疫苗护照 SECRET RECORDING: Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce tomorrow he’s 'pulling these passports'。Ford starts he had received “about 250 [messages] as of lunch today” to scrap the passport.

The dramatic about-face from Ford comes as thousands of truckers across Canada have engaged in peaceful protests, including blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 视频:看看这个是不是真的。福特要宣布安省取消疫苗护照 SECRET RECORDING: Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce tomorrow he’s 'pulling these passports'。Ford starts he had received “about 250 [messages] as of lunch today” to scrap the passport. +2
    The dramatic about-face from Ford comes as thousands of truckers across Canada have engaged in peaceful protests, including blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor.
    • 听到了老百姓心声。 +6
    • 我几天前给他的OFFICE 发过电邮,还呼吁大家也这么做,你会收到自动回电。不管怎么样,让他听到人们的呼声。 +3
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      Thanks again for your email.

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      • 谢谢,我也刚给他发了EMAIL,同样的机器回复
    • 福特宣布安省计划取消疫苗护照系统 Doug Ford says plan in works to remove Ontario's vaccine passport system -tangdynasty(唐朝栗子); 18:40 {376} (#14362824@0)