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'I Feel Guilty' - Dad Feels Guilty After 10-Year-Old Son Died Following COVID-19 Vaccination

In a viral video, a father from Ireland said that he felt guilty after his 10-year-old son died following the Covid-19 vaccination. According to Sean Eile, his youngest son received the Covid-19 vaccine on January 15. On January 31, his son suffered from a fatal heart issue while playing at his school. After spending time…

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 'I Feel Guilty' - Dad Feels Guilty After 10-Year-Old Son Died Following COVID-19 Vaccination +4
    In a viral video, a father from Ireland said that he felt guilty after his 10-year-old son died following the Covid-19 vaccination. According to Sean Eile, his youngest son received the Covid-19 vaccine on January 15. On January 31, his son suffered from a fatal heart issue while playing at his school. After spending time…
    • 是的父母得老后悔了,父母怪谁,土豆?当然,也怪自己没有调查疫苗的副作用。 +3
      • 调查也没用,大环境的压力太大,疫苗太恐怖 +7
        • 为了保住孩子的命。父母都要挺住。真太不容易了。 +4
    • 世界上没有后悔药,马龙等一批有良知的医生一直大声疾呼不要给孩子打,可他们不相信,一定要等到自己孩子出事了才醒过来,但是已经不可逆了 +7
      • 题外话,是不是因为是父亲的缘故,他控制情绪还是挺好的。要知道小孩才没有了不到一个月,而且,10岁的小孩是不能做主打疫苗的,是因为他的错误决定让自己的小孩走向了死亡的深渊。我一个局外人都替他痛心。他好像过分镇静了点。
        • 当极度伤心时,人反而镇静了。 +2