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A few mRNA vaccination death reports, verifiable with VAERS ID...

1166062-1 Patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17, 2020 while at work. March 18, 2020 her 5 month old breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever. Patient brought baby to local ER where assessments were performed, blood analysis revealed elevated liver enzymes. Infant was hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away. Diagnosis of TTP. No known allergies. No new exposures aside from the mother's vaccination the previous day.0958443-1 death by suicide Narrative: death by suicide; 12/26/20, self inflicted gun shot wound; found deceased by family member1890705-1 Due to patient's complex PMH, provider asked that patient be monitored overnight after administration of COVID vaccine. Patient was moved from PICU to general peds floor due to improvement in condition on Thursday. Vaccine was administered that evening. Patient did well. Remained on room air. Was discharged home on Saturday. On Monday morning, father checked on patient and she was found pulseless and not breathing. Itis unclear whether or not patient was placed on home CPAP during the night. EMS called. Patient arrived to ED as a CPR in progress. Patient presented with a pH of <6. Last known well 9pm the evening prior. Patient expired at 11/22/21 at 11:05 CST.1199455-1 Patient reported difficulty breathing and chest pain; suffered cardiac arrest and death1225942-1 Patient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiology of arrest. Risk factors included oral contraceptive use. Labs have since confirmed absence of Factor V leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. Patient declared dead by neurologic criteria 3/30/21.1242573-1 Heart failure1382906-1 Unexplained death within 48 hours1386841-1 Prodrome of headache and gastric upset over 2 days following second dose. Then felt fine. Found the following day dead in bed. Autopsypending1420630-1 ~4 weeks after the 2nd dose of Pfizer, patient presented to thehospital with chest pain; had pericardial effusion. Initially improved but then had decompensation, prolonged hospitalization. Diagnosed with hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (HLH) and ultimately died.1431289-1 Date of Admission: 6/19/2021 Date of Death: 6/20/2021 Primary Care Physician: No primary care provider on file. REASON FOR ADMISSION: Patient is a 13-year-old previously healthy male who was admitted after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with ROSC after CPR for 15 minutes in the field, found to be in the context of large cerebellar hemorrhage secondary to brainlesion (AVM vs tumor). BRIEF SUMMARY OF HOSPITALIZATION: Patient was intubated prior to arrival to the ED. Upon arrival he was started on epinephrine and norepinephrine drips to maintain perfusion and was administered bicarbonate x2. Head CTA was obtained and was notable for midbrain hemorrhage and tonsillar herniation, and no contrast enhanced bloodflow in the brain. Brain death exams were completed at 09:59 and 14:20. APNEA test was performed at 13:30, which is the official time of brain death. Official cause of death was brainstem herniation from intracranial hemorrhage. Mechanical ventilation was continued to allow family time to grieve and perform last rites. Time of cardiac death after mechanical ventilation withdrawal was 18:36. HOSPITAL COURSE BY PROBLEM: FEN/Renal/Endo: #Central DI He received 1.5 L of normal saline bolus in the ED and an additional 3 L of ringers lactate bolus overnight in the ICU to maintain perfusion and decrease heart rate. His sodium was 141 upon presentation but reached a maximum of 160 due to central diabetes insipidus.He was started on 0.45% normal saline at 100 mL/hr to improve hypernatremia, which was monitored Q1h until normonatremic. He additionally required vasopressin drip to be started due to central DI, which was increased to a maximum of 20 mU/kg/hr. CV: At time of admission, epinephrine was runningat 0.1 mcg/kg/min and norepinephrine was 0.1 mcg/kg/hr. Norepinephrine was increased shortly thereafter to 0.12 mcg/kg/min. In the morning after admission, he had tachycardia to the 190s, which appeared to be narrow complex. Epinephrine and norepinephrine were discontinued. Two doses of adenosine were administered (6 mg first dose, 12 mg second dose) due to suspected SVT. The rate decreased for ~4 seconds after the second dose however returned to ~180. EKG arrived which showed sinus tachycardia so no further medications or cardiac interventions were done. Fluid rates were increased to 2x MIVF rate and additional 500 mL bolus of LR was administered. Norepinephrine and epinephrine were restarted and escalated due to low blood pressures in the early afternoon.to allow family time with patient. Both titrated to effect. Pulm: Patient was mechanically ventilated to achieve normal pH, normocarbia, and high arterial oxygen tension per brain death protocol. He had no primary pulmonary disease during this admission. Neuro: #Intraparenchymal hemorrhage #Tonsillar herniation Neurosurgery was consulted. Mannitol x1 and hypertonic saline 23% x1 were administered todecrease intracranial pressures. Keppra 2g was administered for seizure prophylaxis. No sedation was needed during patient's hospitalization. PERTINENT STUDIES & CONSULTS: Pediatric neurology Neurosurgery PENDING TESTS RESULTS: None RECOMMENDATIONS AND FOLLOWUP: None No future appointments. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: BP 108/78 | Pulse (!) 144 | Temp 36.5  (97.7 ) | Resp (!) 15 | Ht 1.65 m (5' 4.96"") | Wt 46.5 kg (102 lb8.2 oz) | SpO2 99% | BMI 17.08 kg/m? Estimated body mass index is 17.08 kg/m?as calculated from the following: Height as of this encounter: 1.65 m(5' 4.96""). Weight as of this encounter: 46.5 kg (102 lb 8.2 oz). ALLERGIES No Known Drug Allergies""1466009-1 My son died, while taking his math class on Zoom. We are waiting for the autopsy because the doctors did not find anything. He was a healthy boy, he had a good academic index, he wanted to be a civil engineer.He was the best thing in my life.1475434-1 The patient died 6 days after receiving dose #21505250-1 patient arrived in ventricular tachycardia via EMS, but responsive. deteoriarated to pulseless ventricular tachycardia, PEA and ultimately death.1655100-1 dead from second dose of Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program by a non-contactable consumer. This report reported same event for two patients. This is the first dose of two reports. A 13-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as DOSE 2, SINGLE at the age of 13-year-old for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient previously received the first dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2) for covid-19 immunisation. A 13 years old female is dead from second dose of Pfizer Covid19 vaccine. Both had no prior conditions with the heart and now are dead. The patient died on an unspecified date. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. No follow-up attempts are possible; information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202101091793 same report/drug/AE, different patients; Reported Cause(s) of Death: dead from second dose of Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine1689212-1 SARS COV2 POSITIVE ON 7/20; EXPIRED 8/29/20211757635-1 fatigue then death1784945-1 Blood in airway, Death1815096-1 Patient received first COVID vaccine on 7/11/21. She was well until 7/26/21 when she developed nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and dizziness. At approximately 04:00 on 7/27/21, she woke up feeling poorly, went into the bathroom and then lost consciousness. EMS was called, she wasin a tachycardia at 180 bpm, BP 88/64, unresponsive. EMS report states she was ""in SVT and cardioverted at 30J then 70 J. Still in SVT but becoming more alert. HR 165 bpm, sats 98%."" In ED, she was felt to be in ventricular tachycardia, She received attempted resuscitation with multiple rounds of CPR including chest compressions, defibrillation for reported ventricular fibrillation, and medications. She was unable to be resuscitatedand death was pronounced in the ED. Autopsy is pending.""1823671-1 death; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 16-years-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as DOSE 2, SINGLE at the age of 16-year-old for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. patient previously received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) on 13Jul2021 at the age of 16-year-old for covid-19 immunization. The patient experienced death on 13Oct2021. The patient died on 13Oct2021. The lot number for vaccine (BNT162B2), was not provided and will be requested duringfollow-up; Reported Cause(s) of Death: death1828901-1 Patient reported symptomatic (non-severe) case of COVID-19 August 2021 and recovered fully. She reported receiving Pfizer COVID vaccine 9/3/21 and second dose 9/15/21. She present to the emergency department of my hospital 10/23/21 with chest pain and dyspnea for 48h. Wasfeeling completely well prior to onset of chest discomfort. Symptoms were mild. No sick contacts or family members. ED evaluation remarkable for normal exam, no hypoxia, normal blood pressure. EKG with diffuse ST elevation. Troponin elevated at 20. CTA chest negative for PE or pneumonia. SARS-CoV-PCR positive but thought to be persistent positive rather than reinfection because of lack of clinical symptoms, recent COVID-19 and recentvaccination. Cardiologist consulted, thought acute coronary syndrome unlikely based on age and lack of risk factors. STAT Echo resulted depressed EF 40-45%. Simultaneously she had become increasingly tachycardicand EKG appeared more ischemic. Cardiac cath lab was activated and she wasabout to be transported when she suffered cardiac arrest. Initial rhythm was VT. Received ACLS protocol CPR x 65 minutes including multiple cardioversion, amiodarone, lidocaine, magnesium and other antiarrhythmics. Unfortunately she was not able to be resuscitated and died. Cause of death possible acute myocarditis.1854668-1 Was very tired and had sore muscles on September 09. Found September 10, 5:25 am dead. There were excessive amounts of blood along withlarge blood clots that appear to have come vaginally.1865389-1 Patient with progressive hypoxemia throughout the day despite multiple changes in ventilator settings/modes. HFOV discussed with family, but functional oscillator not available and was awaiting arrival of donor oscillator. She is not a candidate for ECMO due to pulmonary hemorrhage andthrombocytopenia with recent chemotherapy as well as BMI (morbidly obese). Trial on nitric oxide performed with minimal improvement (sats increased from 60% to 65-68%). She was noted to have increasing peaked T waves as well as development of Q waves concerning for hyperkalemia and worsening cardiac function consistent with multiorgan failure; perfusion was quite poor with mottled extremities and difficult to palpate central pulse1912785-1 Dose 1 given 4/21/2021 Pfizer Lot # EW0172 Patient had a cardiac arrest at home and was pronounced dead at Emergency Room. Covid testwas negative.1913198-1 Patient received Pfizer vaccine in 8/2021. In 9/2021 she began to have some vague complaints of upper back pain. Patient ultimately diagnosed with epitheliod sarcoma. Parents requested that this information be sent to VAERS in case her cancer was related to Vaccine. Physicians caring for the child do not feel her death or her cancer was related to the covid vaccine. Presented to the local Medical Center on 10/30/21 after having received care closer to home. Pt is a 13 y.o. female with no past medical history who presents with fever, chest pain, and diarrhea. About twoweeks PTA, she began complaining of sternal chest pain. She had fatigue andsore throat so was taken to an urgent care where she was negative for strep, flu, and COVID. She was prescribed bromfed. She then progressed to a dry mild that started about 10 days PTA. On Tuesday, 10/26, she was seen at an outside ER and was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was started on azithromycinand augmentin. She has continued to have chest pain, SOB, and fatigue. The day of presentation, she stayed home from school. She developed nonbloody diarrhea, tachycardia, and weakness so she was taken back to the ER for evaluation. Found to have a pericardial friction rub. Admitted to hospitalist service.1963633-1 In brief, patient is a previously healthy 15 year old who had acute headache and collapse at home, concern for posturing versus seizure, and ultimately found to have cerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage with mass effect secondary to ruptured aneurysm. S/p coiling of aneurysm, bilateral EVD placement and R decompressive craniectomy. She has acute respiratory failure, strep viridans bacteremia, and concurrent COVID-19 infection. Presented 12/2/21 with aneurysm and incidentally found to be COVID positive. NEURO: On arrival, she was somewhat responsive and by the time she arrived at ED she was posturing versus seizing. Head CT revealed hemorrhage 3x3x3 hemorrhagic focus anterior and inferior to the right basal ganglion with mass effect, also with intraventricular blood in lateral and third ventricles with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage in suprasellar cistern and bilateral sylvian fissures. At that time, reportedly pupils equal, 3-4, minimally reactive. At ED, received Mannitol bolus, and 4mg Ativan administered. Flight for Life activated and upon arrival to CW was admitted to the PICU with plan for emergent EVD placement. Neurosurgery placed EVD atbedside. Repeat head CT and CTA performed and demonstrated bilobed aneurysmarising from right ICA terminus with enlarging intraparenchymal hematoma along superior aspect mostly likely representing a ruptured aneurysm, increased intraventricular hemorrhage, similar subarachnoid hemorrhage, increased mass effect, effacement of basal cisterns, worsened midline shift.Optimized neuroprotection management with sedation, neuromuscular blockade,ventilator management, and hypertonic saline. R pupil became dilated and nonreactive and patient demonstrated persistently elevated ICPs >50. She underwent emergent IR coiling and R decompressive craniectomy with second right-sided EVD placement. Patient continued to demonstrate ICPs in 20s. Worked with Neurosurgery to optimize sedation. Repeat head CT demonstrated increased hypoattenuation in right frontal and parietal lobes, left parietallobe, and splenium of corpus callosum. Loss of gray-white differentiation concerning for ischemic change. Increased right to left midline shift. TCDs demonstrated moderate spasm of the L MCA. EEG without seizure. Started Pentobarbital coma. On 12/9, an occurred episode while in transport to MRI and patient was noted to be obtunded. ICP 11 during episode, EVDs patent. She was not connected to LTM during episode, as she was in transport. She was started on epi drip and became more responsive, moving spontaneously andwithdrawing to pain. On 12/10, her neurostorming medication regimen was optimized and no further changes were made. Given poor neurologic prognosis, patient was given adequate sedation for pain management during terminal extubation on 12/18. CV: Had periods of hypotension intraoperatively requiring initiation of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine infusions to maintain goal MAP > 80, SBP > 120. Returned to PICU with femoral CVL, arterial line, sedated with Fentanyl and Dexmedetomidine infusions, and on Vecuronium infusions, Nimodipine. On 12/4 echocardiogram report noted significant for left ventricular mid-inferoseptal hypokinesis and moderately diminished left ventricular systolic function, with an LVEF 41%. She required titration of pressors to maintain goal pressures. Added stress dose Hydrocortisone. Repeat echocardiogram demonstrated significant improvement in LV systolic function, consistent with the hypothesis that myocardium was neurologically stunned. 12/6-12/8 Patient weaned from sedation and pressors. On 12/9 she experienced a hypotensive episode while in transport to MRI. HR dropped to 40s-50s. 105 mcg Epi dwindle given, thenstarted on Epi drip, given 500 mL NS push pull. HR and BP normalized. On 12/10, patient was weaned from pressors and stress dose steroids. She remainedhemodynamically appropriate leading to terminal extubation on 12/18. RESP: Intubated in the OR. Notably, course complicated by significant pulmonary edema with poor compliance. On 12/10, her ventilator settings were weaned toCPAP/PS. She remained hemodynamically appropriate with CPAP/PS until terminal extubation on 12/18. FEN/GI: On 12/10 patient was started on enteral feeds which were discontinued after terminal extubation on 12/18. ID: At ED, she was incidentally found to be COVID positive. Blood cultures were drawn at that time positive for strep viridans. She started on empiric Cefepime and Vancomycin due to concern for septic shock given pressor requirements. Initiated thermoregulation. Patient continued to be intermittently febrile and remained on Ceftriaxone per family's wishes until12/19. RENAL: Initially had significantly increased urine output. Labs concerning for DI, although could also be secondary to 3% boluses. InitiatedDI protocol. This later resolved and she continued to have urine output appropriate for age leading to her terminal extubation on 12/18. OTHER: On12/5 ,discussion took place between provider and mother and placed partial code status, including no bolus cardiac resuscitative medications, no defibrillation, no chest compressions. Care Conference took place on 12/10, during which mother voiced she would like to get MRI for further neuroprognostication before changing goals of care. Care conference on 12/14to discuss MRI results with family. Neurology explained likely deficits patient will experience as a result of her brain injury including weakness of both sides of her body, inability to walk, inability to effectively eat PO, personality changes, cognitive dysfunction. Mother voices ""Patient would not want to live like this,"" but requests time to discuss these options with family before making any decisions. Another discussion between providers and family on 12/15 during which family voiced they would not wantpatient to be reintubated once extubated, would not want her to receive blood products, and would like to continue with enteral feeding. Tentative plans for extubation on 12/17 or 12/18 once family from out of state has come to say their goodbyes. Family later decided to move forward with terminal extubation on 12/18. She was extubated 12/18 to room air and passedaway on 12/19/2021 @ 20:37 PM with mother, brother and step father at the bedside.""1974744-1 Patient passed away on 12/11/21 at 12:11pm from bilateral pulmonary emboli (air bubbles not DVT). Final autopsy results pending toxicology results.1406840-1 Flu like symptoms for 2 days then was found deceased0960841-1 Patient developed 104.4 temp approximately 48 hours after beinggiven the vaccine. I treated him with antibiotics, IV fluids, cooling methods. CXR does show a new right perihilar infiltrate. However, his fever came down within the next 24-48 hours. Unfortunately, he suffered a cardiac arrest on 1/21/21 in the early morning and expired.1033873-1 PATIENT PASSED AWAY ON 2-1-20211071935-1 Patient received the vaccine around 11 am. He hadn't been feeling well (headache, dizziness) per report and initially called in to work. He then decided to come to work and was found down in a patient bathroom during his shift on our Facility while taking care of a patient (hewas a nurse aid). Patient was coded and the team and was transferred to our Facility ED. He expired 3/3 21121076949-1 Patient admitted on 2/21/21 and died in hospital on 2/22/2021. Patient had a significant, lifelong underlying medical condition.1088723-1 Patient had 2nd COVID vaccine on 2/21/2021. He started having atemperature on 2/24/2021. Patient then started having trouble breathing. We took him to hospital. He was admitted on 2/25/2021. He steadily declined and was sent to ICU and died on March 1, 2021.1095634-1 2nd injection given on 2/19/2021 death 2/27/211159535-1 Patient described myalgias, headache and dyspnea at ER visit on4/1/21 at 2:37 am. Patient was discharged. Patient returned the same day at15:40 cyanotic, altered, hypoxic and hypotensive. The patient was found to have profound metabolic acidosis, liver failure, renal failure. She went into cardiopulmonary arrest, was revived, rearrested and died. Patient was treated for possible sepsis, shock, liver failure.1160526-1 Death 5 hours after second shot. Decedent contacted her mother around 3:30 c/o difficulty breathing. Died on 4/1/201168641-1 Death.1209903-1 I DON'T KNOW THE EXACT EVENTS FOR THE CASE, BUT WAS ASKED TO FILL IN THE INFORMATION THE BEST I COULD WITH THE INFORMATION I HAD ON HAND.THIS YOUNG LADY, RECEIVED A COVID-19 VACCINE ON 3/6/2021 AND EXPIRED ON MARCH 13, 2021. THIS IS MOST OF THE INFORMATION THAT I HAVE. YOU WOULD NEED TO CONTACT THE MEDICAL EXAMINER'S OFFICE, THAT WILL BE ABEL TO PROVIDE YOU WITH MOST DETAIL FOR THIS CASE.1224177-1 Blood clot blocking blood flow to brain - 1st episode: ( 3/12/21) stabilized, minor limited movement left side - 2nd episode: (3/24/21) no blood flow to brain, death (maintained on life support for organ donation)1237709-1 Patient deceased1247997-1 Per his parents, patient started feeling nauseous an hour or two after the vaccine and at night around 10pm it worsened where he felt nauseous, had shivers and he vomited in the middle of the night. He then vomited again the next day and continued to not feel well the next couple ofdays. On 4/20/2021 at around 4:20pm he called his mother, his girlfriend and his mentor that he was not feeling well, was nauseous and dizzy and had shivers and was going to pull over on his car to get something to drink. He then stopped answering his phone and was found dead in his car later on thatday. Police is investigating the case.1278030-1 27 year old male with Down's Syndrome and no other past medicalhistory received second COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/2021. On 4/30/2021 began ""feeling poorly"" with nausea/vomiting and possible chest discomfort. Originally presented to ED on morning of 4/30 - EKG completed demonstrated diffused ST elevation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center for heart catheterization. Left heart catheterization demonstrated normal coronary arteries and LVEDP of 25. Stat ECHO demonstrated pericardial effusion and concern raised for myopericarditis. Patient subsequently transferred to a different Medical Center for higher level of care. Upon arrival to Medical Center plan was to intubate and take to cath lab for heart biopsy and PA catheter placement. However, upon intubation patient began to decompensate and subsequently developed cardiac arrest. During ACLS, VA ECMO was placed and therapeutic hypothermia was initiated. Following VA ECMO placement patient received IVIG, high dose methylprednisolone (1000 mg), anakinra 100 mg, and broad spectrum antibiotics (vancomycin and Zosyn). Despite these efforts the patient continued to have hemodynamic instability and was on high dose vasopressors (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, angiotensin II, vasopressin). Patient subsequently suffered another cardiac arrest, briefly regained pulse with high dose vasopressors, but subsequently lost pulse despite best efforts and died on 5/1/2021 at approximately 13:00.""1321517-1 He did not told me about any symptoms. He just died the next day of the vaccine. Still today doesn?t know why he died. He appeared to be in good health.1334527-1 My brother got the Pfizer 5/4 and started getting sick with a cough on the 7th and by the 10th he was getting more and more sick and ye was taken to the ER on the 14th and he started coughing up blood, he was outof it and pale and not able to move much. On 5/15 in the hospital he was having a hard time breathing and they were trying to give him meds to make him better, they gave him antibiotics because his blood work showed infection, and Precedex to help him rest, and he passed away the same day, he was in good health before. They also said his heart rate was 201/123 and the doctors said pulmonary anema. It escalated so quickly.1347547-1 The injury that led to the death occurred within 1 day of the decedent receiving the vaccine1365075-1 Patients father said his son began throwing up 2 days after injection. They took him to the ER and patient was given some medication tostop emesis. Two days later patient was still throwing up and the ER told him to give the medication a couple more days to work. The father said the throwing up was not constant and patient was able to eat and keep it down. The emesis was reported as dark brown mucous with no food particles in it.Patient was reported to throw up everyday until his death on day 9.1366320-1 He died1372338-1 Death1403396-1 On Friday night, April 16,2021, after working all day for his job, Pt told his roomates that he wasn't feeling well, was throwing up, had the chills and was going to lay down. When the roomates didn't see him Monday morning, April 19, 2021, they went into his room and found him unresponsive. The medical examiner ruled death due to cancer which appears incorrect considering the evidence.1411734-1 Symptoms started with tightness of muscles and body aches, tightness of chest, increased blood pressure, herpes simplex A mouth sores -saw PMD received muscle relaxer, and antibiotic cream... in the 30 days prior to last event she had been having dizzy spells, chills, hot flashes, shortness of breqth, tightness of chest, darkened urine, muscle cramping andknotting, pitting edema, halo discoloration lower right extremity (she wasnt one to complain and thought her symptoms were from use of muscle relaxer) - woke AM 6/11/2021 with severe shortness of breath and was taken to ER - diagnosed with obesity, cardiomegaly, renal failure, severe anemia, hypoxia, and hypokalemia, she went into respiratory distress AM 6/12/2021 and then went into cardiac arrest. She died as a result.1440769-1 Patient was gone out for a run on 28th May. While running, he collapsed suddenly. Onlookers called 911 and they tried to revive him but hedied on the spot. his autopsy result is still pending. He had no history ofany illness and had been a healthy individual. He used to exercise regularly. He had received his second dose of vaccine that month on 13th Mayand had faced expected symptoms like fever and chills that only lasted for 2 days.1446849-1 death1470249-1 The first dose of vaccine (lot number EW0176) was taken on 05/06/2021, and the second dose of vaccine (lot number EW0186) was taken on 05/27/2021. within 12 hours of second does she had gotten severe headache, she couldn't eat for severe vomiting, she said she felt like she was hit by a truck, and had the chills. she would go from really cold to really hot. She couldn't keep anything down even water. On the third day after the vaccine she was very sick and we ( the family) thought she was sleeping but when we went to try and wake her up we discovered her dead.1486852-1 4/14/21 became confused and had cardiac arrest with seizure EMScalled 1757 was taken to 2 hospitals with multiple resuscitation efforts and defibrillations declared deceased 0042 4/15/20211497990-1 Death1500862-1 On first day, patient was feeling tired, dizzy and foggy and 18hours later was found dead on the floor.1513095-1 Death. Died on 7-9-21 (approximately 24 hours after vaccine).1624122-1 Expired1624319-1 er records indicate pt noted to pass out with seizure like activity, taken to er and found in status epilepticus, stabilized and transferred to tertiary care facility. tertiary center records not yet available but report from family indicates ongoing seizures as well as recalcitrant cardiac arrhythmias. Pt was intubated and never recovered despite 3 days care and resuscitation. Autopsy report available to me indicates lymphocytic myocarditis as primary cause of death1632726-1 Patient found in early morning hours by family member. Unfortunately he had already expired with rigor.1646186-1 passed away 19Jun2021; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient's mother). A 25-year-old male patient receivedBNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration on 23May2021 (Lot Number: EW0172) (at age of 25-year-old) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history includeddiagnosed with an enlarged vessel sized heart. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced passed away on 19Jun2021.An autopsy was performed and results were not provided. Two days after the first vaccine was when the information came out about males 20-30 getting inflammation of the heart. The patient's mother told him not to takethe second shot. Then, this happened. She doesn't have the results of the autopsy yet. She believed the Pfizer vaccine escalated his death. He did getdiagnosed with an enlarged vessel sized heart. He got it because he thoughthe was doing the right thing. There was no history of all previous immunization with the Pfizer vaccine considered as suspect. No additional Vaccines Administered on Same Date of the Pfizer Suspect. No Prior Vaccinations (within 4 weeks). Follow-up attempts are completed. No furtherinformation is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: passed away 19Jun20211658459-1 Specifically unknown, but patient (he's now deceased) was concerned about throwing up so much that he'd lose his stomach lining.1693704-1 The decedent was found deceased at home on 05/23/2021. The decedent's cause of death is acute fentanyl toxicity. The pathologist found blood clots in her lungs during autopsy, and she was concerned the blood clots may be related to the vaccine she received on 05/08/2021.1719772-1 PATIENT EXPIRED ON 09/20/20211727253-1 Patient's grandmother found him dead in the bathroom 4 to 4:30 hours after his vaccine. She was not aware of him having complaints. He had vomited in the commode -that was the only comment that she had.1727443-1 Patient died on July 7, 2021 of a pulmonary embolism. The clots were in his lungs.1741267-1 Patient died and preliminary autopsy revealed Massive pulmonaryembolism1760635-1 Death. My daughter passed away in her sleep .1765443-1 employee of facility. she came to work and was sitting in locker room and noted by another employee to be hyperventilating/shaking. Coworker got nursing staff who went in to assess her. Employee stated she had been having chest pain on and off for the past few days and that her PCPsuggested getting tested for covid. She was again complaining of chest pain, stating she can't breath, and became very anxious. BP was high, HR was in 170's, oxygen was 87. Applied O2 via nonrebreather, contacted EMS. At time of EMS arrival employee fainted x 2 and went into asystole. CPR performed for almost an hour before time of death was called. medical examination performed post death and determined she had a pulmonary embolism.1793706-1 On 8/12 patient developed nose bleed and was admitted to hospital Bone marrow bx showed acute myeloid leukemia. Chemo therapy started. Patient became septic on 10/9 with hypotension and was intubated. She coded on 10/10 and expired.1853429-1 Death- after vaccine patient was ill with dizziness and lethargia. Patient went to bed at 8pm that night. Patient was found deceasedthe next day when housemate went to wake him up. Patient had no prior history of underlying health complications. Cause of death ruled to be sudden unexpected heart attack.1974828-1 patient was found unresponsive/deceased within a week following vaccination1996149-1 Death0921667-1 LTCF Pfizer Vaccine clinic conducted 12/29/2020 Vaccine lead received a call indicating that a staff member deceased somewhere between 1/3/2021 and 1/4/2021. Cause of death is unknown, and an autopsy is being performed.0948418-1 Expired on 1/12/2021; unknown cause of death0986901-1 Patient received vaccine uneventfully with no acute concerns. Left clinic and by report went out with friends. Spoke to father on phone ator around 9:00 pm. Failed to show up to work and was found dead at home. Other details pending1026362-1 Patient stated he had a migraine after the vaccine. We were advised of a change in appetite on Thursday February 4th. Patient died on February 6th.1044420-1 Please reference separately submitted MIS-A form. He had sorethroat, high fever, diarrhea, deteriorating in to multisystem failure and apparent acute myocarditis, notably with relative initial sparing of the lungs. He suffered cardiac arrest in radiology after developing aphasia andwas transferred to Hospital after cannulation for VA ECMO; he died there 2/8/21.1046447-1 2/12/2021 Vaccine 2/13/2021 Weakness, oral ulcers 2/17/2021 Brought to ER for loss of consciousness, altered mental status, rectal bleeding; work up showed sepsis, UTI, anemia, pneumonia, pleural effusion, pancytopenia, hypotension; persistent hypotension and respiratory failure 2/18/2021 Passed away at 5:54AM1085413-1 patient was on treadmill at home on 3/4/21 and became shortnessof breath, collaspsed, hitting head on floor. Family started CPR, Downtime prior to ED arrival 30 minutes. Arrived at ER at 8:48AM. Intubated by EMS. initially shocked 1x but otherwise was in asystole. Eventually after about 70 minutes of CPR at ER patient had no ROSC, pupils dialted and fixed and at this point pronounced dead.1095327-1 I was alerted on 3.11.21 by the patient's wife that patient hadpassed away the night after having received the vaccine. The wife informed me that she did not wake up the next morning.1104175-1 She received the 2nd Dose on 3/9/2021. On 3/10/2021 She complained of a headache. On the morning of 3/11/2021 she complained of abdominal pain and had no appetite. We then found her unresponsive, called 911 and the medics pronounced her at around 1300.1124794-1 Extreme head ache, chest pain, fever 101 F. Gave 1000 mg Tylenol, albuterol via nebulizer Q4hr. Died 3/20/2021 approx 11:00 am from Cardiac Arrest.1144826-1 received word that the patient passed away on 3/5/2021. Do notknow the cause of death, nor where he passed away. He does not have any significant medical history at Health Care Corporation, but did get his first vaccination here on 2/17/2021.1177548-1 On the evening of 4/3/2021 the patient was at home, prone in bed, gasped suddenly and became unresponsive. EMS was called and unable to resuscitate. She expired.1200959-1 death1203510-1 Unknown on any adverse events or symptoms1212820-1 Unexpected death 3 days after vaccination1223650-1 In the evening on March 15th, she began having shortness of breath and chest pain. She asked her boyfriend for her blood pressure cuff so she could take her blood pressure. As he was getting it she told him to call 911 and then her eyes rolled back in her head and she stopped breathing. Paramedics attempted to revive her but were unsuccessful. She was taken tothe hospital and pronounced dead. Cause of death listed as heart disease.1242117-1 Healthy male, no substance use, no symptoms reported made plansto go hiking with a friend the following Sunday (4/18/21) on 4/16/2021 in afternoon. This was last known contact, patient stopped responding to phone after text and was found deceased in home on 4/22/2021, appearing to have passed away in sleep, likely 4/16/2021 in evening.1246604-1 Patient presented to ED on 04/18/2021 with cardiopulmonary arrest, per ED ""He was receiving CPR with EMS for arrival to the emergency. Two rounds epi. Asystole and then went into V-tach. Got shocked once. Then after that has been strip PA asystole."" ED called time of death on patient 04/18/2021 at 05:14AM.""1290128-1 Patient collapsed at home with cardiopulmonary arrest. He had been complaining of shortness of breath 1 week prior to the event, starting when he received his covid vaccination. The differential diganosis was pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction or arrythmia. CPR was started immediately and patient received tPA during ACLS without return of spontaneous circulation.1296030-1 Unknown cardiac event. Found on sidewalk down. Revived but resulted in extensive neurological damage. Was put in life support. Never came to. Passed away 05/05/2021.1310174-1 Death on 2 May 20211314342-1 He died. He got the shot then several hours later he was foundDEAD in his sleep. We are still awaiting coroners reports.1322310-1 Death. Coroner said collapsed of unknown cause. Autopsy performed. Awaiting final report and toxicology report.1328722-1 Was told she died in her sleep. This is one of 3 nurses in themedical center that passed away suddenly. Vaccine roll out was December 2020, unknown exact date or type1337198-1 Patient presented to ED after receiving covid vaccination the month prior, with hemoptysis, petechiae, blood in stool and urine, and platelets . Prior to this, patient presented to the ED on 4/30 with kidney stone, no other significant PMH and prescribed medications mentioned on prior page. Suspected ITP, patient received IVIG x 3 days and prednisone x 4days while admitted. On morning of 5/11, patient had AMS, became unresponsive and was evaluated for stroke. Patient had large intra-axial hemorrhage with significant midline shift, transferred to the Hospital and died the same day.1337439-1 ACCORDING TO DAD, HE GOT THE VACCINE ON 4/28/21. ON MAY 11 HE WAS COMPLAINING OF N/V, LATER HEADACHE AND ALTERED VISION, ENCEPHALOPATHY, CARDIAC ARREST AND DEATH.... AFTER MULTIPLE LOCAL ER VISITS. HE NEVER HAD FEVER. I WAS CALLED ON HIS CASE DUE TO CONCERN FOR CNS INFECTION. HE WAS ADMITTED ON 5/18 AND DIED ON 5/20 THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE RELATED TO THE COVID VACCINE, BUT IT IS IMPORTANT IT IS REPORTED JUST INCASE IT IS AND MAY HELP SOMEONE.1337723-1 PATIENT WAS IMMUNIZED 5/13. PATIENT WAS FOUND DECEASED IN THEIRAPARTMENT ON 5/18. FAMILY LAST SAW HIM ON 5/16 WHEN THEY DROPPED HIM OFF ATHIS APARTMENT. MEDICAL EXAMINER HAS NOT YET DETERMINED CAUSE OF DEATH OR EXACT DATE OF DEATH.1338394-1 Death N17.9 - Acute kidney failure, unspecified FATIGUE CHEST PAIN NAUSEA1364631-1 This is reported by his mother. Around 10:00 AM he got his vaccine. Mother met him at 12:30 and went to lunch, said he felt OK. She stayed with him a couple of hours, went home and apparently he went to sleep. The next day he texted his mother and said that he felt yucky. She told him to give it a couple of days, and he went to work all week, but said thatafter he ate he felt ""funny"". Then on Sunday, Mother's day on 5/9/21 andthey face timed and was supposed to meet him at 5:30. At 12:45 he had finished eating, ate some enchilladas and said that he felt weird. He said that he was going to be ok to meet him at 5:30. At 4:37 PM she texted him to say that she was on her way to meet him. She got at the meeting place at5:30 and he was usually there before her, this is a normal weekend ritual to exchange his dog. She waited 9 minutes and she tried to facetime him thinking he was in traffic, and he didn't answer. She thought he was just not answering. She then waited 9 more minutes and then called his phone andlocal Hospital answered the phone and asked who she was, and she answered the questions, and she told her to get to the hospital. She went to the hospital and the doctor came in and told her that he had the car running andhe went to the gas pump to get gas and he stepped out of the car and collapsed. The person who saw him told the attended that he had collapsed and they called 9-1-1 and he was pronounced dead. He worked in a warehouse and was doing well and about to be certified to be a forklift driving. Theysaid that they worked on him and that they could not get his heart started again. They had to do an autopsy which is against her religion and she will not find out those results for 3-6 months. She said that he was healthy and looking forward to get tested at work. They told her that he had an enlarged heart and an enlarged spleen, and had never had any heart issues in the past. He walked 20,000 steps a day in the warehouse. He was living in a sober man's facility, he has been clean for 18 months. He had an addiction to pain pills and Xanax. She feels that there was something in the vaccine that had something to do with it as he was perfectly healthy before the vaccine.""1371338-1 32 year old female received vaccines while pregnant with her 3rd child. Pt has asymptomatic Factor V Leiden. She delivered on 5/27/2021 and passed away on 5/31/2021.1378118-1 Decedent passed 06/05/2021 at 1042 hours. Exam showed bilateralpulmonary emboli.1381705-1 First shot Lot# ER 8732 administered 04/03/2021 Death1410110-1 death1416816-1 Woke that morning very lethargic and hard to arouse. Mom states had been doing very well, exercising and losing weight. States he felt good up until that day. DEATH1417790-1 37 yo woman with a history of epilepsy and medical noncompliance found dead in her bed less than two days after receiving 2nd COVID vaccine (believed to be Pfizer). Reportedly experienced a seizure following the 1st dose approximately 3 weeks prior.1458628-1 My previously healthy brother received the Pfizer vaccine (1st dose) and 4 days after he was hospitalized with shortness of breath, heart failure, blood clots in his arm, lungs and leg along with a stroke and many medical conditions kept arising as he was hospitalized. He was in the CICU for a week and a half. Unfortunately, my brother passed away from the Pfizervaccine. Until his last day the doctors still ""didn't know"" what was wrong with him. A lot happened during his hospital stay, but this is just a brief statement. They have been keeping his medical records from me. They tested him repeatedly there from covid and he wa salways negative. They had no other explanation to what was happening and all along they wanted it to be COVID-19 and were so quick to say it was not the vaccine.""1465112-1 Patient died we think on March 27th although he wasn't found until March 28th. We are waiting for the histology report on his cardiac tissue samples. We are suspecting myocarditis.1475006-1 Pt. started coughing Tuesday, June 22, 2021, in the afternoon and it worsened through the rest of day. She also was beginning to be drowsy. Wednesday, June 23, 2021, coughing continued, she became drowsier, she felt warm to the touch (forehead, face, arms, back) and was not acting like herself. Thursday, June 24, 2021, 9am she was at the clinic. The doctor ordered an x-ray and blood work. After results arrived, we were advised to go to the emergency room. There the doctor ordered CT scan. The results showed an abscess and fluid in her left lung and pneumonia. Her lung was drained, was not able to get all of it out. They discussed surgery but needed to send pt. to ER. The discussion for surgery was a daily thing but never happened. They tried multiple procedures, CT scans, etc. On Tuesday, June 29, 2021 there was a meeting called with her doctor to discuss palliative care. The risk of surgery and all the complications following were high risk. Pt. did not understand that she needed to leave the IV and drainage tube in as well as leaving the oxygen on. Based on the complications and pts. quality of life after surgery and the fact that the fluid and pneumonia spread quickly throughout her body - the doctors were leaning towards end-of-life comfort. It all happened so fast! The evening ofthe 29th, pt. was transported home to end her life on hospice. On Wednesday, June 30, 2021 pt. passed away in the afternoon. Pt. was rarely ever sick. Once in a great while she would get a runny nose or little cough. Everyone around her would catch a virus and she simply would not. We had a member of our family test positive for COVID-19 in November 2020, and pt. never showedany symptoms of being ill. This was all before she received the COVID-19 Vaccine. About a week or two after she received the second vaccine, on May 27,2021. she had increased behaviors with eating and daily ADLs. But the behaviors were her ?normal? behaviors that would occasionally come and go. Nothing was ever persistent. Then on Tuesday June 22, 2021 when sick like symptoms started to appear it was less then four weeks after the second vaccine.1484524-1 death 18 days after vaccine1484736-1 Pt.'s mother states that after receiving the 2nd dose of Phizervaccine the Pt. collapsed 05/26/2021 and passed away. Currently waiting forAutopsy results.1490902-1 Pfizer COVID vaccine dose #2 administered 15 Jul 2021 @ 07:59. ED physician documentation on 19 Jul 2021: ""37-year-old female came the emergency department after found down by her husband. Has a history of attempted overdose in the past,, she was found down by her husband at 545, and unresponsive on scene. Medic was on scene and patient was noted to be in V. fib and therefore CPR was started, compressions were in progress upon arrival, however the patient remained in cardiac arrest. Other history was able to be gathered from the patient or family, however EMS stated that theyhad found that her glucose was 99 on scene, and she been given full dose Narcan as well on scene. And was shocked 3 times a 200 J, she was given 2 doses of epinephrine, as well as 300 of amiodarone. They attempted to intubate the patient however the patient was clamped down, and therefore they could not pass any sort of apparatus to control the airway, therefore they placed a nasal trumpet. Pertinent physical exam findings: Jaw clamped shut, pupils fixed, and was obviously cyanotic, no palpable pulses. No chest rise. EKG as interpreted by me (ED attending): Monitor showed that thepatient was in asystole the entire time. Medical Decision making and plan of care: Patient was immediately moved from gurney onto bed, and chest compressions were continued without interruption. Given that the patient was in V. fib in the field, we did decide to place dual pads for dual sequential defibrillation, is on the plats however, the patient was noted tobe in asystole, therefore chest compressions were continued, epinephrine, as well as calcium, as well as bicarb. See code chart for further details. IO was also placed in the patient's left proximal tibia. Regarding the patient's airway, several attempts were made to pass an ET tube, as well as paralyzed the patient with rocuronium, however tube passing was unsuccessful, and therefore I performed a cricothyrotomy. Followed by bilateral finger thoracostomies. See procedure notes below for further details. Despite 5 rounds of ACLS, with multiple doses of epinephrine, as well as bicarb and calcium carbonate administered, the patient remained in cardiac arrest, death was declared at 1851.""""1499689-1 DX: Myocarditis Onset of S/S 06/02/2021 S/S:Dyspnea on exertion, Fever/chills,Tachypnea Found to have acute basilar ischemic stroke, taken for emergent thrombectomy, but experienced progressive edema and ultimately tonsillar herniation. 35 year old man with medical history notable for likely untreated hypertension and tobacco use disorder who presented with reported fever, confusion, shortness of breath, and facial swelling, initially treated for allergic reaction/angioedema without effect,progressed to respiratory failure, found to have acute basilar ischemic stroke, taken for emergent thrombectomy, but experienced progressive edema and ultimately tonsillar herniation resulting in death. Regarding cardiac picture, patient with abnormal ECG, mildly reduced EF on echo (though could be due to untreated hypertension or to respiratory failure/critical illness), borderline troponin (need to check reference range). ED note initially mentions concern for myocarditis due to vaccine causing heartfailure and subsequent respiratory failure, but appears this piece was written prior to MRI showing basilar stroke. Death note has myocarditis listed as a cause of death (among many), though a bit unclear if this was intentionally listed or just reflects a list of all hospital problems. Also had a CT of his head which showed scattered foci of gas within intraorbital soft tissues along with mild proptosis; unclear etiology for this (perhaps a fall with facial injuries prior to arriving at hospital?) Awaiting additional physician notes/imaging reports.1512493-1 She collapsed in her bathroom and her boyfriend immediately began CPR. Paramedics were unable to revive her. Cardiac event.1512749-1 39 Male tested positive 6/4/2021. Vaccinated with Pfizer 12/22/2021 & 1/12/2021. 6/4/2021 hospital admission for tracheo-esophageal fistula(TEF) transfer from hospital. Diminished breathing sounds, minimally conscious. Removed from ventilator support 6/17/2021. Problems at time of death 6/19/2021 - chronic respiratory failure, COVID-19, history of severe TBI, TEF, trach vent/PEG dependent.1518468-1 Death. He died within 24 hours of receiving the 1st dose1578593-1 Died June 25th after cardiac arrest on June 23rd, 8 days after his vaccine.1669875-1 Pregnancy history: G2P1001. Patient had the Pfizer COVID vaccine on 8/6/21 at 33 3/7 weeks gestation (EDD 9/21/21). Presented 8/15/21at 34 5/7 weeks gestation with preterm labor. CBC with differential found to have significant abnormalities. Twins were delivered via C-section. Twin A birth weight 5lb 2.5oz and twin B birth weight 6lb 1.4oz. Oncology consulted and bone marrow biopsy diagnosed patient with AML. Induction chemotherapy with 7+3 given 8/17-8/23/21 with resulting pancytopenia necessitating daily blood/platelet transfusions. On 9/1/21, had a catastrophic intracranial hemorrhage and patient died on 9/2/21.1684121-1 Death1690161-1 Patient passed away on 05/06/2021, 16 days after the first Pfizer injection. He was a healthy 34 year old. Autopsy report showed no organ or other physical abnormalities. The autopsy report stated his cause of death was an hemopericardium (acute dissection of proximal thoracic aorta/ fatal cardiac tamponade / rupture into pericardial sac).1713242-1 two days breathing problems, then boom - dead1713447-1 Patients boyfriend came into the pharmacy on 09/18/21 asking when she received her 2nd dose of the vaccine. I asked if it was because shelost her card and he said ""No, she died a few days after and I'm trying tofigure out if it was from the vaccine"". Date of death/causes/symptoms of death unknown.""1715299-1 Short of breath, weak, lost consciousness, eventually lead to cardiac arrest, death1722510-1 The decedent received his initial Pfizer vaccine on 07/29/2021;and the second Pfizer vaccine on 09/14/2021. On 09/18/2021, the decedent reported to his mother that he was vomiting blood. On 09/19/2021, the decedent was found deceased in his residence.1727109-1 obese 35yoM who presents with acute SOB which was found in the ED due to acute COVID 19. He is diaphoretic, and speaks in only short sentences, frequently expressing varying preference for BPAP or facemask. Hereceived the Moderna vaccine series several months prior, and had been in his usual state of good health prior to the abrupt onset of symptoms. He takes medication for hypertension. DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: 1. Acute hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to COVID- 19 pneumonia 2. COVID- 19 pneumonia with super-imposed bacterial pneumonia 3. Sepsis secondary to above on pressor support 4. Obesity with body mass index 57 5. Elevated D-dimer He was started on NRB and BPAP, as well as all COVID therapies of steroids, anticoagulation, Colchicine, and Ivermectin. He was also started on broad spectrum antibiotics for possible super-imposed bacterial pneumonia. His oxygenation worsened and he was intubated on 8/8. His O2 levels remained difficult to control and the AM of 8/9 he was proned with increasing PEEP. His oxygenation improved and he appeared to be overall stabilizing by 8/10. The afternoon of 8/10, he was getting suctioned by RT and was noted to become bradycardic, however, this quickly resolved with Atropine and was attributed to increased vasovagal tone secondary to prone positioning and increased PEEP. He remained HD stable and his O2 remained 90s (Last recordedVS HR 61, RR 24, BP 111/67, and O2 99%). Unfortunately, at approximately 2117 the patient developed an irregular heart rate before going into ventricular tachycardia and then asystole. He was started on medical management as per guidelines and CPR was initiated as soon as possible underthe direction of Dr. was never obtained and Dr called at 2150. The patient's family was informed of his passing and all questions were answered. Cause of death appears to be cardiac arrest secondary to ventricular tachycardia secondary to hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to COVID- 19 pneumonia.1737223-1 Breakthrough COVID-19 with symptom onset 8/24/2021: Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing. Hospitalization 8/24/2021. Death 8/24/2021. From Vital Records COD = OBSTRUCTIVE SHOCK, SADDLE PULMONARY EMBOLUS, HYPERCOAGULABLE STATE, COVID 19. Per vital records, Codes include: Not yet coded ; Other Significant Conditions include: MORBID OBESITY PROTEIN DEFICIENCY. Place of death: HOSPITAL-INPATIENT, MEDICAL CENTER; certified by: PRONOUNCING AND CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN; occ/ind: PEER COUNSELOR, SERVICE. Dizziness. Pt c/o dizziness while at work. Pt COVID+ 8/9/21 and fully vaccinated. Pt VSS, GCS 15. Ambulatory on arrival. Denies N/V/fever1741146-1 Parents reported to Death Investigator that patient complained of body aches, severe headache, and pain in his lower extremities on the evening of 9/22/21 (thee date he received the vaccine). He was taking Tylenol for his symptoms per his parents. On Thursday, 09/23/21, he continued with the above symptoms and felt worse per parents. Mother asked him if he needed to go to the doctor and he said no. On Friday, 09/24/21, he felt better than the day before but still had symptoms. Parents last talked with him around 2230 Friday night. They went to wake him up at 1100 on Saturday, 09/25/21 and found him deceased in the bed. EMS was called and he was transported to Hospital Emergency Department DOA.1741874-1 [Directed to enter VAERS report due to close proximity of vaccine administration] Member received first dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on 23 September 2021. On 24 September 2021, member complained to co-workers of abdominal pain with nausea/vomiting, treating symptomatically over the weekend. On 26 September 2021, member's co-worker contacted him and member was coherent and alert, On 27 September 2021, after member did not respond to co-workers' attempts to contact him, co-workers and first responders went to member's residence, where member was found somewhat disoriented. Member was subsequently transferred to local Hospital ED (arrived at approximately 09:15), where member was found to have confusion and hyperglycemia (GCS of 14 and blood sugar reading, measuring as 'high"".). During treatment and monitoring process, member was found to have laboredbreathing (at approximately 11:00) and a CODE was called at 11:05. Member subsequently expired at 11:30.""1759168-1 Pt.'s Sister states that after her brother received the 2nd dose of Phizer 09/22/2021, Pt. started experiencing shortness of breath and pain in the chest, Urgent Care visit 09/27/2021. Ultrasound preformed, treated with Updraft. Died 09/27/2021 2 Blood Clots located.1770625-1 died; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist. A 37-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY, Lot Number: FK0112; Expiration Date: 30Jan2022), via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (37-year-old at time of vaccination) as single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient died on an unspecified date. Verbatim: The reporting pharmacist states that she is located in the (country A) but has patients in (country B) who travel back and forth for business. These patients are stuck in (country B) due to the high rates of the delta variant there the pharmacist explained. She states that Pfizer COVID 19 vaccines as well as Moderna COVID 19 vaccines are beingdonated by other countries to (country B) to help provide vaccination. She states that one of her patients who is in (country B) received one of these donated vaccine with lot number FK0112 and customer service was again to look up this lot number and provide the expiration date of (30Jan2022) stated the pharmacist. She relays that there have been multiple adverse events that have happened with this lot number and she would like to know ifit is possible that there was something wrong with that lot. Her patient who was a 37-year-old healthy female received the vaccine from this lot and died 4 hours later. She would like to know why this could have occurred. What data is available on deaths being reported. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. The cause of death was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information available and close temporal association, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported events . The case will be reassessed once new information is available The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as anyappropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; ReportedCause(s) of Death: died1771697-1 Stomachache pain, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pain, headache, confusion and death1782631-1 AFTER SECOND DOSE OF COVID -19 VACCINE ON APRIL 9 2021 ,HE GOT 2 TIMES HEAD ACHE AND ON APRIL 19 2021 HE DIED IN SLEEP.1783092-1 Pt presented to the ED 10/13 with syncope and what appeared tobe a pulmonary embolism. Tried to resuscitate patient for 90 minutes but nosuccess.1791298-1 patient is dead but doesn't confirm if this was related to a Pfizer medication.; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer. This consumer reported for a 37-year old female patient received bnt162b2, via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date at age of 37-year old (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose forcovid-19 immunisation. The medical history and concomitant medications werenot reported. The consumer reported the patient was dead but doesn't confirm if this was related to a Pfizer medication. The patient died on an unspecified date. The event was fatal. It was not reported if an autopsy wasperformed. No follow-up attempts are possible. Information about lot/batchnumber cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: patient is dead but doesn't confirm if this was related to a Pfizer medication1793710-1 On 4/2, patient (22 weeks pregnant) developed numbness and tingling down one leg. Symptoms progressed and she was admitted for BLE paralysis 4/5. MRI showing transverse myelitis. Process continued despite maximal medical therapy. 4/12 intubated. 4/20 tracheostomy. 7/11 C section and then developed post-operative bleeding needing mass transfusion protocol. 8/11 family decided to withdraw care and patient expired.1830620-1 From the date of his vaccine til the date he went to the hospital (August 22, 2021) he felt these symptoms more and more. Soar arm, chills, body aches, fatigue, fever, lost of taste, cough, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, heavy chest, couldn?t walk or use legs, couldn?turinate after drinking water. He took Advil(red pill). He died August 23, 20211851393-1 Cardiomyopathy resulting a cardiac event that lead to death.1909570-1 PATIENT AND MOTHER CAME IN WEDNESDAY 11.24.21 AFTERNOON FOR COVID BOOSTER. MOTHER REPORTED TO PHARMACY ON FRIDAY 11.26.21 (DEPARTMENT CLOSED THURSDAY 11.25.21) THAT PATIENT HAD STARTED FEELING ""UNWELL"" (FEVER/TIREDNESS) LATE 11.24.21 / EARLY 11.25.21. MOTHER REPORTED DIDNT THINK MUCHOF IT BUT THAT HER SON (PATIENT) WAS GOING TO REST. MOTHER REPORTED THAT LATER IN THE DAY SON WENT INTO THE BATHROOM AND WAS IN THERE FOR SOME TIME, WHEN SHE WENT TO CHECK ON HIM, SHE COULD NOT GET THE DOOR OPEN. UPON OPENINGTHE DOOR, SON WAS FOUND UNRESPONSIVE. ATTEMPTS TO REVIVE SON BY MEDICAL PERSONEL WERE UNSUCCESSFUL. PER MOTHER AN AUTOPSY IS SCHEDULED BUT AS OF REPORTING NO CAUSE OF DEATH HAS BEEN LISTED.""1919936-1 None stated.1935792-1 Patient found deceased on the day following booster vaccination.1967644-1 Pulmonary Embolism that lead to cardiac arrest and death1981913-1 Patient came to ED for increased shortness of breath. Patient was admitted to hospital and did have respiratory failure and have to be intubated. Patient did not survive.1997540-1 Unprecedented and unexplained tumor growth throughout chest cavity. Liver 3 times normal size. Quotes from oncologist, thoracic surgeon,ICU doctor and cardiologist ""I've never seen anything like this"" ""We thought we were looking at someone else's scans"" Vaccine given 9/9/2021, patient death 10/4/2021, less than 30 days post vaccine.""1116808-1 No symptoms reported. Found dead seated on couch the day aftervaccination (3/14/2021). Autopsy performed on 3/15/2021 showed no evidenceof anaphylaxis. Cause of death = Cardiomyopathy of Obesity.0937527-1 unsure if related to vaccine, but was notified by her next of kin that she died on 1/4/2021. No reports of side effects or hospitalization were reported to the facility prior to the notification of death.0967240-1 Patient unexpectedly died on o1/6/2020. No known signs or symptoms.0981407-1 Expired in sleep on 1/24/210982826-1 Was at work on 1/26/21 and collapsed, no known complaints a thetime. CRP was initiated immediately, transported to ER and pronounced dead0992237-1 1/28/2021- Seen by FNP for indigestion, chest pressure and palpitations. EKG reviewed and referral made to Cardiology. 1/29/2021-1800 Presented to ED in cardiac arrest-onset PTA. Patient was found unresponsiveby his wife at their home. The last known well was at 1530 when she calledhim on the phone. The patient was pronounced at ~1850.1000228-1 dead; Collapsed; bnt162b2 was given to patient with immunocompromised w/ reportable conditions; bnt162b2 was given to patient with immunocompromised w/ reportable conditions; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 40-year-old male patient receive first dose of bnt162b2 (Lot number: EK9231, Brand: Pfizer), intramuscular in left arm on 21Jan2021 15:15 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included immunocompromised w/ reportable conditions from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing, positive for Covid in September from Sep2020 toan unknown date. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced dead, collapsed on 26Jan2021. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of collapsed. The outcome of collapsed was unknown. The patient died on 26Jan2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. Received Covid vaccine here on 21Jan2021, was at work on 26Jan2021 and collapsed, no known complaints at the time, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) was initiated immediately, transported to ER (Emergency room) and pronounced dead. Unknown if other vaccine in four weeks. The patient had COVID prior vaccination. Unknown If COVID tested post vaccination.; Sender's Comments: Based on the information currently provided, the patient was immunocompromised and had prior COVID infection. The death and syncope more likely are associated with the patient underlying medical conditions. More information such medical history, concomitant medications, treatment indication and event term details especially death cause and autopsy results are needed for fully medical assessment. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concernidentified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Dead1006640-1 In discussion with Dr., medical director at Detox, she arrivednight of 2/3/21 was quite intoxicated so was not going through any withdrawal. She was getting vitals and CIW checked regularly. First dose of chlordiazepoxide 25mg was 2/4 at 1:25pm for CIWA 9. She had repeat vitals at 5:50pm, CIWA 1, vitals: P 67, 118/79, 94% on RA, T 98.3. she hadcomplained of some ""pressure in her head"" and feeling anxious, but otherwise denied other complaints. she was talking with others in the group, then other patients report she suddenly started having seizure like activity around 6:45pm, med techs came to help and found her stiff, gurgling. they tried to get vitals on her, called 911, noticed that at 6:54pm she had lost a pulse and they started CPR. paramedics arrived at 7:08pm and she was brought to ED. Pt BIBA in cardiac arrest. Pt was at DetoxCenter when she was reported to have seizure-like activity followed by collapse. She was found to be pulseless and CPR initiated by staff members.EMS arrived and performed approx 15 min of CPR and gave pt epi x 3 and bicarb. No shocks administered but they did not report a rhythm. In the emergency room the patient arrived and was found to be pulseless with PEA arrest, CPR was initiated, patient was intubated. ROSC ultimately achieved, patient remained very acidotic despite ventilator adjustment, head CT revealed cerebral edema. Pt also found to be profoundly anemic with a hemoglobin of 5 and platelets of 37, she was thought to be GI bleeding so medications for this were initiated. Patient then became more hypoxemic withbradycardia, consultation with neurosurgery and critical care medicine at tertiary care center deemed ongoing CPR futile. Patient arrested at 2:30AM on 2/5, pronounced dead at 2:48AM.""1021040-1 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Hospital Emergency Room Provider reported cause of death as COVID vaccine administered 11 days priorto death. Additional information being reported from LTCF.1027619-1 Swollen leg/pain- taken to urgent care- became unresponsive - CPR initiated- expired1028778-1 On December 17, 2020, my husband, received his first BioNTech BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination. On Thursday January 7, 2021, he received thissecond COVID-19 vaccination. The following three days after his second vaccination, he felt fine. The fourth day, on Sunday January 10, my husband felt extremely fatigued. On Monday the 11th and Tuesday the 12th, he worked a full shift but complained of extreme fatigue and extreme chills to the point that his teeth were chattering while on the phone with me. He decided to work through it. When he got home on Monday night, he started vomiting. On Wednesday January 13, he woke up and had swollen eyes. Once again, he felt extremely fatigued, even after a full nights rest. He had the day off but had an early meeting. After his meeting, he was still tired so he went back to sleep. I left to get lunch, and drop off our kids, and upon my return, I found him on the walk in closet floor, face up, having passed away. He felt as cold as ice. The rapid test done after they called the paramedics resulted in a negative COVID-19 test for him.1035597-1 Death on 1/17/2021. Found at home deceased.1035641-1 Healthcare was advised that this patient expired approximately two weeks after receiving her initial COVID vaccination1046179-1 patient was not vaccinated at hospital. Caregiver reports thatpatient was vaccinated with second dose on Monday 2/15/21. Tuesday patientexperienced n/v/d. Went to an ED on Wednesday and was cleared and sent home. Thursday reported shortness of breath to her caregiver and then collapsed. Patient was brought to as PEA arrest and ultimately died.1065434-1 Patient died; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (parent's patient). A 47-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection), via unknown routeon 13Feb2021 (at the age of 47-year-old) at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. On 18Feb2021 the patient died. The cause of death was unknown. An autopsy was not performed. No COVID prior vaccination. The patient had not been tested for COVID post vaccination. Information about lot/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Patient died1066118-1 Patient had an unwitnessed cardiac arrest while outside walkinghis dog. AED in the field initially advised shock and was shocked 3 times without effect. At the time EMS ALS arrived, patient was in PEA arrest. He was transferred to Hospital with CPR in progress. Time of death called at 1857.1066274-1 death1072113-1 Death1156620-1 Mandatory EUA Reporting - Patient received COVID-19 vaccine on 1/12/21 and then tested positive for Covid the same day. Was admitted to hospital from rehab (resides in rehab for chronic respiratory failure). Patient deteriorated throughout hospitalization, was transitioned to comfortcare, and expired on 2/10/21.1169650-1 DIFFICULTY BREATHING, SEVERE CHEST PAIN, STOMACH ACHE, HEADACHE, JOINT PAIN WENT TO EMERGENCY ROOM THAT EVENING ON 3/15/2021 WENT TO BED WITH CHEST PAIN AND DID NOT WAKE UP THE NEXT MORNING PARAMEDICS WERE UNABLE TO REVIVE HIM, PRONOUNCED HIM DEAD AT THE SCENE.1170822-1 Patient was found deceased on arrival in his living quarters after not showing up for work. This was approximately 14 days after his second pfizer vaccination. We have no reports of previous signs or symptoms in the days preceding his death. Patient had not visited the clinic since receiving his second shot in the series1171601-1 Loss of appetite, malaise, nausea, falls, mental fog, death.1174338-1 Patient died 12-15hrs after vaccination.; This is a spontaneousreport from a contactable Consumer. A 40-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Right on 25Mar2021 12:45 (Batch/Lot Number: ER8727) at the age of 40-year-old as single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history reported as none. Concomitant medication included buprenorphine hydrochloride, naloxone hydrochloride (SUBOXONE) taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The patient patient died 12-15 hours after vaccination. The patient died on 26Mar2021. An autopsy was not performed. No treatment received for the event. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination, the patient was not been tested for COVID-19.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Patient died 12-15hrs after vaccination.1199575-1 Death1199594-1 There were no noted adverse signs or symptoms at the time of vaccination. Fiance of patient called Public Health on 4/12/21 to report thepatient died in her sleep overnight on 4/7 or 4/8. Autopsy not performed, body embalmed prior to Public Health's knowledge of client death. Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA1200939-1 Massive PE, patient died. No history of DVT, we did a COVID test here and it was negative. She had no PMH, we suspect the vaccine made her hypercoagulable. Had pleuritic CP, tachycardia, tachypnea.1205423-1 Patient's physician reported this adverse event by phone to Medical Center administration on 4/13/2021. Per the physician, the patient received his 2nd Pfizer COVID19 vaccination dose on Friday 4/9/2021 at the drive through vaccination clinic. On Saturday 4/10/2021 the patient told tohis wife that he felt ill, continuing through Sunday. On Sunday, 4/11/2021, at his home, the patient told his wife that he felt ill and went to sleep. The patients wife found him not breathing, called 911 and started CPR. The patient was pronounced deceased at his home and was not transported to hospital.1212567-1 he died while on his routine daily run; medical examiner agreedhe should have an autopsy which showed coronary artery disease/likely an acute cardiac event1214500-1 Patient at 27 weeks of pregnancy, reported to midwife at regular visit on 4/14/21 that she was experiencing SOB but all blood work normal - assumed normal SOB with pregnancy. Night/morning of 4/15 started seizures, transported to ED. Diagnosed with massive pulmonary embolism. Emergency C-section prerformed by Dr. Pt. did not survive.1223683-1 Patient reported severe headache on 2/12/21 at approximately 3:30 pm followed by vertigo, nausea, vomiting. Patient became unconscious andEMS was called, found patient on floor and she was brought to ED where CT revealed intracranial hemorrhage. Patient was admitted and supportive care given. She had worsening status on 2/17/21 with pupillary reflexes no longer present and withdrawal of care was performed on 2/21/21. Patient expired on 2/22/21.1230371-1 Patient passed away on 4/13 after presenting to local hospital with near syncope and AKI. Records from local hospital are unavailable, unclear regarding cause of death and circumstances thereforth.1241805-1 Patient experienced a headache within 4 hours of vaccination. Took recommended dose of Tylenol. 4 hours after that (8 hours after vaccination) he was still experiencing extreme headache and also vomiting and took another dose of Tylenol. Was still feeling poor at 1am but coherent and talking, not thinking that it was serious enough to warrant going to hospital, as he believed it was just a bad headache and the vomiting was from the headache. At 6am, he was found blue/dead in his bed.1242906-1 Pharmacy was contacted by an aunt, who is also a healthcare provider. This contact was requested by the family. Per nurse practitionar who is the aunt of the deceased), patient passed away on Monday, 4/19/2021. He was found unresponsive on a jogging trail, where he had been jogging, by a third party person. They had called an ambulance and could not revive him.Family requested a VAERS report due to the proximity in time to his 2nd Pfizer vaccination. He had received his vaccination at 9:56am on 4/14/21 (lot ER8730) and per father the only side effect he indicated was a sore arm.Autopsy pending per family.1251028-1 Death by suicide sometime between late evening Wednesday, April21st, 2021 and early morning April 22nd, 2021. He was found at about 8am that morning.1256112-1 My husband received the shot on the 22nd. He died in his sleep on the 24th. He was complaining how the second shot really was giving him a lot of trouble, but nothing that would indicate life-threatening symptoms1268424-1 The decedent was found in her bedroom by her daughter. Medical history only includes previous blood clots. Decedent has been complaining ofcoughing and shortness of breath the past few days. There is no history of drug use. The decedent had a foam cone when found.1269763-1 died on 14Apr2021 01:30 pm of a sudden death; first dose of BNT16B2 on 15Mar2021 09:00 am/ second dose via an unspecified route of administration on 02Apr2021; first dose of BNT16B2 on 15Mar2021 09:00 am/ second dose via an unspecified route of administration on 02Apr2021; This isa spontaneous report from a contactable healthcare professional (patient's spouse, nurse practitioner). A 47-year-old non-pregnant female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), second dose via an unspecified route of administration on 02Apr2021 (lot number: EW0150) as single dose (at the age of 47-years-old) for COVID-19 immunisation, vaccinated at a hospital. Medical history included hypothyroidism, anxiety, and chronic migraine (ongoing). The patient had no known food and drug allergies. Concomitant medications included levothyroxine sodium (SYNTHROID); sumatriptan for migraines; and clonazepam for anxiety. The patient received the first dose of BNT16B2 on 15Mar2021 09:00 am (lot number: EN6708) (at the age of 47-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. The patient had noother vaccine in four weeks. The patient had no COVID prior to vaccination.The patient died on 14Apr2021 01:30 pm of a sudden death. She was found at home unresponsive and pulseless. Efforts at resuscitation were unsuccessful.Her medical history of hypothyroidism, anxiety and chronic migraines do notappear to be contributory. The patient did not receive treatment (as reported). The reporter considered the event to be a serious adverse effect (SAE). A full autopsy has been performed; the results were pending.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: died on 14Apr2021 01:30 pm of a sudden death1274722-1 Pt presented to the hospital after a cardiac arrest. Work up showed renal artery thrombosis b/l causing renal failure and hyperkalemia. ROSC was achieved and pt coded multiple times after. We were unable to obtain CT A 2/2 to pt being unstable so only U/S imaging with doppler was used for diagnosis. Pt was treated with heparin gtt., hematology work up was sent but cause not identified. ECHO did not show thrombosis in the heart. CCRT was attempted but pt expired.1278349-1 Patient suffered a seizure and pulmonary edema four days after receiving second Pfizer shot. He was pronounced dead several hours later. Patient had no health issues and was 45 years old.1286144-1 Shortness of breath followed by sudden collapse followed by death.1288450-1 Feeling Tired; Headaches; Passed away; found dead in her bed; Was not feeling well; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 49-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 11Apr2021 (lot number: ER8729) at the age of 49 years old, as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient's medical historywas not reported. Concomitant medications included naproxen sodium (NAPROSYN) taken for an unspecified indication from 05Apr2021 to an unspecified stop date; and benzonatate taken for an unspecified indication from 05Apr2021 to an unspecified stop date. The patient previously received first dose of BNT162b2 on 21Mar2021 (lot number: EP6955) at the age of 49 years old, for COVID-19 immunization and experienced fatigue, legs were hurting, dry cough, and really bad headaches. No other vaccines received in four weeks. The caller's friend (patient) got her second dose on a Sunday (11Apr2021). Monday, (12Apr2021), the patient went to work, but left because she wasn't feeling well. The reporter stated that the reporter did not speakto her friend (patient) directly on this day but was told that her friend (the patient) was feeling tired and having headaches. The reporter stated that her friend died early Tuesday morning 13Apr2021. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included COVID-19 PCR test: negative on 05Apr2021. The patient died on 13Apr2021. An autopsy was performed, and results were not provided. Outcome of events 'was not feeling well', 'feeling tired', and 'headaches' was unknown.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Passed away; found dead in her bed1301355-1 She began having shortness of breath after getting her second shot. He parents found her dead in her bed this afternoon. No other known comorbidities.1302383-1 He felt very bad the night he received the 2nd shot of Pfizer covid-19 vaccine on April 27. He even joked he probably would die that night. He also complained that despite his protest, the person who administered the shot insisted to inject on his shoulder joint. He developed a bigger-than-quarter-size bruise on his right inner arm the next day. He was feelingtired the following days. On May 4 around 3:30, I heard he was making loud noises. I came to his side immediately. At the time I thought he was making louder than usual snores. I nudged him gently but he didn't respond. After about 15 seconds, the sound stopped, and he had no breath. I then called 911within 10 seconds, tried to do CPR on him. It took EMS 6 minutes to arrive even though we live very close to a fire station in a well-accessed urban area. EMS worked on him for about 30 minutes before transported him to hospital. They continued to work on him for a while. He never regained breath.1302705-1 This 49 year old female received the Covid shot on 4/6 /21 and went to the ED on 5/5 /21 with the following diagnoses listed below and died on 5/5/21.1314542-1 Death1323392-1 None reported1327755-1 Hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia on 4/23, ICU on 5/3, passedon 5/17 of 20211328751-1 He is a co worker and he passed away in his sleep I heard. Oneof 3 nurses that died in the medical center since the vaccine roll out1330552-1 Blood clot in brain causing stroke then death1350670-1 After first dose her mental status become slightly altered and she leaned to the left a bit when standing up and walking.. From the day of second dose my sisters appetite decreased. She started sleeping more, got weaker to the point I had to bathe her, she had to start using a wheelchair.Mental status much more altered. She was to weak to go to dialysis on Monday March 22 2021 hospice was called in Tuesday March 23 2021 and she passed away at approximately 4:00 P.M. March 24th 2021.1354898-1 My brother had his second vaccine shot on 4/30. When I talked to him on 5/5 he told me he'd had a lot of joint pain and fatigue but thought he would go into work the next day. Thursday he left work feeling sick with a lot of 'rib pain'. At some point that night he passed away. We still do not have an autopsy report, but the timing seems odd.1356045-1 Death. Patient died on 5/3/2021; two days after receiving vaccine.1357362-1 Patient went to sleep and died within 12 hours of vaccination; feeling sick; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer via Pfizer sales representative. A 45-year-old male patient received BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection), via an unspecified route of administration at the age of 45-year-old on 20May2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation.The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that 45-year-old healthy male patient received Pfizer Covid vaccine in the morning, reported feeling sick by the evening on 20May2021. Patient went to sleep and died within 12 hours of vaccination on 20May2021. Event took place after use of product. The patient died on 20May2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. The outcome of event feeling sick was unknown. The outcome of event 'Patient went to sleep and died within 12 hours of vaccination' was fatal. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Patientwent to sleep and died within 12 hours of vaccination1358491-1 patient called 911 with shortness of breath and chest pain. When squad arrived, he was still oriented and awake and told squad he had Pfizer vaccine the previous day. Thought was a pulmonary embolism had occurred. Then he lost consciousness and pulses. EMS started CPR. Despite aggressive ACLS maneuvers, the patient ultimately died.1383413-1 Sudden death in sleep1384860-1 Pt rec'd 2 doses Pfizer/BioNTech, 2nd dose May 9,2021 at outside facility. Presented to hospital on 06/08/21 after cardiac arrest, sudden collapse at home, refractory PEA with ongoing CPR >4hrs, cardiogenic shock (EF20%), refractory DIC, MOSF and coma. Uncertain antecedent history, pt had tolerated vaccine well w/o untoward reactions, was possibly ""sick"" in the 2 days prior to admission 06/08, but limited history available. SARS2PCR and resp path PCR panels negative, no clear bacterial source of shock/collapse initially identified, thus concern for primary myocarditis resulting in refractory shock (perhaps also with ischemic CVA); Tpn not c/w type I ACS/MI. Workup negative for PE, hemorrhagic stroke, PTX/tamponade, etc. 6hrs after death (in evening 06/08/21) BCx x2 resulted Grp A strep, thus pt may have had TSS at home then collapsed in PEA, however source of TSS is uncertain. Notably patient usually healthy, active, no medications, favorable lipid panel, no illicits; + EtOH binge-drinking last several months but no cirrhosis/ESLD previously doubt primarily Etoh-related process. Pt had ongoing PEA arrests with brief ROSC for approx 7 hrs in field -> ED > ICU until death declared.""1391226-1 My brother started with some swelling in the legs/feet, followed by chest pains that led him into a heart attack, followed by cardiac arrest. He was shocked back to life where he lay in a coma. His kidneys stopped functioning followed by his lungs and liver?he was kept alive on life support and dialysis, he died after having 4 more heart attacks back to back on June 4, 2021.1391864-1 About 14 days after the first vaccine dose ( Pfizer) patientpresented to the ER with severe chest pain. He was sent home after labs, EKG and CT chest were reported as normal. He was told that he had a hiatal hernia. One week later he was found by his wife expired in his bedroom late morning. Patient had no medical problems such as hypertension and never smoked. He was very active and played sports such as pickle ball.1396032-1 Patient had no reaction at time of vaccination; was monitored for 15 minutes prior to leaving clinic. This nurse was notified today by ERPhysician that the patient came into the ER around 8pm (on the night of thesame day that he received his vaccine in the early morning hours) with c/o shortness of breath. It was reported that the patient had taken nebulizer treatments at home with no relief. Symptoms began around 5:30pm. Patient ambulated into ER at time of visit but during the visit became unresponsive. Patient was intubated and coded with time of death called at 9:52pm. Patient has history of asthma.1398802-1 Patient went into cardiac arrest about 14 hours after receivingvaccine and passed1400337-1 On May 18, 2021, Patient said he was experiencing severe back pain and that both of his arms had gone numb and he had vomited. Patient called his mother to come help him with the baby because he wasn't feeling well. When she got there 30 minutes later he was not breathing. They were not able to revive him. He died of a blood clot in the front of his heart.1424021-1 Patient had an acute MI died after within 8 weeks of last vaccine patient had been complaining of dizziness and feeling different since second vaccine1425204-1 Experienced shortness of breathe resulting in death cardiac arrest.1430291-1 Started with body aches, joint pain and weakness, followed by SOB that was aggravated over time- especially after the 2nd dose- Then, she started having increase heart palpitations and chest pressure. Eventually noted ischemic changes with purplish discoloration face, hands and feet. At this time it became great effort to walk due to lack of air- SOB was severe.She was taken to ER at hospital where she was admitted with possible PE, MIor heart failure. After few days no improvement was achieved and patient trans ported to another Hospital to receive more advance care but she was pronounced death in the morning of 5-11-21. The death certificate heart failure as immediate cause of death, preceded by PE and pulmonary hypertension.1431372-1 13 hours after the patient had had her 2nd covid-19 shot, she was found dead. She had indicated that she had no side effects after her shot.1443143-1 48 y/o female with pmh of HTN, HLD, DM2 and bipolar disorder, transferred to ICU from the psychiatric until after cardiac arrest. The patient was originally admitted on 5/22 for evaluation of bizarre behavior. She was noted to have flight of ideas, emotional instability and multiple attempts to leave the room naked. She was admitted to the floor there with behavioral health consulted for evaluation. She was then transferred to another unit on 5/27/21 for additional management, with a plan for a 90 dayinpatient hold. While in the unit she was managed with a medication regimen including Thorazine, Lithium and Abilify. Medicine was consulted for management of hypertension, and Ob-Gyn was following for abnormal vaginal bleeding with work-up unable to be completed due to her mental status. ECT treatments were also started this week on 6/23, with the patient receiving her second ECT treatment this afternoon. From review of the pre-procedure note, the planned induction was with etomidate, succinylcholine, glycopyrrolate, and Brevitol (methohexital, barbiturate class); the actual MAR is not up to date with her procedural medications at the time of admission. Post treatment, the patient was noted to be conversive and in her normal state of health. This evening, nursing staff heard a loud noise from the patient's room around 1630. Upon arrival, they found her down, unresponsive and without a pulse. An ACT was called and CPRwas initiated for a duration of approximately 30 minutes. Reportedly the AED display showed asystole, followed by PEA. She received a reported five rounds of epinephrine, one dose of bicarbonate, and one dose of calcium during the event. The patient was intubated during the code with a large amount of gastric contents present, concerning for aspiration. A right ankle IO was placed due to significant difficulty securing access elsewhere. ROSC was obtained with a junctional rhythm, and the patient was transferred for further management. On arrival the patient is non-responsive without any sedation running. She became hypotensive by arrival to the ICU requiring norepinephrine. On later inspection of her IO, there was suspicion for infiltration of fluids and medications around her right ankle. She has had significant secretions into her ETT since transfer. HPI as noted above. ICU course notable for hypoxic respiratory failure withARDS likely from lung injury from cardiac arrest. She subsequently developed shock and required vasopressors. Initially the patient was noted to have brainstem reflexes, however on 6/25 the patient had an exam change with no spontaneous breaths and pupils fixed and dilated. The initial head CT following arrest was performed which showed diffuse cerebral edema with effacement of the sulci and gray and white matter differentiation consistentwith severe anoxic brain injury. There was diminished ventricular size withcomplete effacement of the fourth ventricle and tonsillar herniation from mass effect. Neurology was consulted. The patient remained on vasopressor and mechanical ventilator support. A NM scan was performed to evaluate cerebral blood flow showed absence of effective cerebral perfusion. Neurology performed an exam and the patient was pronounced deceased at 1802 on 6/27/21 a doctor. The family was informed of the results. After discussion with family, the patient was removed from mechanical ventilator support and vasoactive medications discontinued with the family at beside.1461898-1 Had 2nd vaccine a few days earlier and died of cardiac arrest.Was healthy and active prior to vaccine with no known health problems.1464157-1 Cardiac arrest, followed by seizure and death. Pt was hospitalized, undetermined cause of death, case send to a medical examiner. Case was noted upon chart review by reporter.1478393-1 PT was found on floor in dining room expired by wife on 6/20/21at approximately 7:30. Body was hard and cold. Called EMS immediately , EMS provided treatment. Declared dead. Body taken to coroner for autopsy.1502098-1 death D69.6 - Thrombocytopenia, unspecified N93.9 - Vaginal bleeding JAUNDICE BLOATED SHORTNESS OF BREATH1512561-1 Patient received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine on 2/24/21 and 3/17/21. Patient came to the ER on 5/8/21 with chest pain, where she tested positive for COVID. While patient was receiving a precordial drain she went into V. tach but was successfully resuscitated. She went to ICU butwent into cardiopulmonary arrest and died on 5/9/21.1525780-1 death Other pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale Unspecified convulsions1545011-1 Death less than 24 hr after receipt of Pfizer #1 covid vaccine:43 yo reportedly received her first Pfizer covid vaccine on 7/2302021. Heragent received a call from Staff to inform her of this sudden death. She was reportedly found on her couch deceased on Friday evening, 30 JUL 2021 and law enforcement had her transferred to a Funeral Home pending determination on Autopsy and Family wishes. Presumed cause of death is HeartFailure with Autopsy pending for etiology of Dilated Cardiomyopathy and death. Patient had 1.5 yr hx of dyspnea on exertion, intermittent chest pain at rest, and palpitations. She was evaluated here for a LBBB and long QT in 2018. Echo at the time was normal and she was cleared. BP: 118/72; HR: 71; RR: 16; T: 98.6  (37 ); HT: 66 in (167.64 cm); WT: 155 lbs (70.31 kg); SpO2: 98%; BMI: 25.02; BSA: 1.795 square meters; Tobacco Use: Yes; What type of tobacco product?: menthol; Amount of tobacco product used per day: 2 per day;1549612-1 Dealth1554378-1 Death1591198-1 I have minimal information but wanted to report as patient's wife is unsure if patient's death is related to his vaccine. Patients wife, called me and was very hard to understand but was able to tell me that her seemingly healthy 42 year old husband died out of nowhere on Wednesday August 18th, 13 days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. They are not sure what the patient died from, the wife states everything happened so fast and she said she wasn't sure if he was having a seizure or a heart attack. According to the wife an autopsy is being performed to discover cause of death. Patient had no complaints after his first dose, andonly had normal possible side effects after his first dose.1628279-1 Death 4-12 hours after 1st dose administered on 7/26/21. Body discovered on 7/28/21 at approximately 9:30 am1651415-1 Patient felt unwell - dizzy and tired on the evening of April 5, 2021. She went to bed and died in her sleep, likely early in the morning April 6, 2021. Medical Examiner recorded her cause of death ""Sudden Cardiac Death associated with Mitral Valve Prolapse""1655728-1 Pt.'s Brother states that after receiving the 2nd dose of Phizer (May Unknown), started experiencing symptoms of chest pains shortly after. EKG 06/28/2021 preformed. Cardiac Event, Heart Enlargement 3x ( Passed Away 08/22/2021 ). Undetermined cause of Death.1696501-1 Received the the 1st Pfizer COVID vaccine on 08/12/2021 and the 2nd Pfizer COVID vaccine on 09/02/2021. The Decedent's wife had told Police that the Decedent was complaining about not feeling well ever since he got the 2nd vaccine. 09/12/2021 -- Decedent had an Asthma attack at 0400 hours. Per the Decedent's wife, the Decedent did at least 10 Albuterol and Nebulizer treatments before calling for an ambulance at 1857 hours. While in the ambulance, the Decedent went unresponsive and then into CardiacArrest. EMS started CPR & ACLS procedures, and worked the Decedent for 1 hour before calling Time of Death at 2015 hours.1700088-1 Case had covid vaccine x 2. Last dose on 1/15/2021. Tested positive for COVId 19 on 8/13/2021. Was admitted to medical center on 8/30/2021 with COVID Pneumonia. Case expired while still hospitalized on 9/9/2021.1708406-1 Patient was fully vaccinated. he PUI says that the only symptomthat he has had was a cough. The PUI is currently in the hospital but it isnot covid related. Patient died due to COVID-19 on 8/30/2021.1722745-1 Chest pain which led to being taken by ambulance to the Emergency Room where she died of a heart attack.1722922-1 Pt with complaints of headache, painful legs, fatigue and died within 48 hrs of taking 2nd dose. Found in her bed.1736739-1 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA: COVID-19 case resulting in Hospitalization / Death. Patient received Pfizer Vaccines on 2/6/2021 and2/27/2021. Patient stated he received a third COVID vaccine around the 1st of September 2021 but unable to verify with documentation. Patient presentedto ED on 9/9/2021 for hypoxia. Hospitalized for COVID pneumonia. Dexamethasone, levofloxacin, zosyn, vancomycin, and remdesivir were administered. Patient continued to decompensate throughout hospitalization. Patient was transitioned to comfort care on 9/20/2021 and expired at 1734 on9/20/2021.1737583-1 Vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, DEATH1762881-1 Death within 7 days of receiving vaccine.1768241-1 Patient's caregiver called us on 10/7/2021 to inform us that patient passed away at 1 am on 10/03/2021 from a heart attack. He had mild redness at the site of injection. No flu like symptoms or fever after receiving the shot.1782222-1 Patient was hospitalized. Patient died due to COVID-19. Patientwas fully vaccinated.1787902-1 Notified that individual developed shortness of breath and diedon 10/9/21.1797997-1 Within 2 weeks of initial vaccine dose the patient developed new-onset acute neurologic symptoms resulting in a diagnosis of cerebral thrombosis with ICH and vasogenic edema. He underwent several outpatient, ER and inpatient evaluations (in the system, except for final hospitalization at Hospital); he continued to clinically deterioriate and died on August 8, 2021.1804051-1 death Acute renal failure, unspecified acute renal failure type(CMS/HCC)1810608-1 cancer throughout her body, including spine and lesions on her brain, radiologist said as far as the lesions go says they were hemorrhagic;hypersensitive reaction; cough; Pain; chest pain; lymph node swelling throughout the chest and upper abdomen; nodules on her lungs; got really sick; death; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (parent) via Medical information team. A 49-years-old female patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 17Apr2021 (Batch/Lot Number: ER8735) as DOSE 2, SINGLE forcovid-19 immunisation at the age of 49 years old. Medical history included breast cancer from an unknown date diagnosed in Feb2020 and mastectomy from Sep2020. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient previously took BNT162B2 dose 1, on 27Mar2021 at the age of 49 yearsold, lot number: ER8734 and expiry: Unknown for COVID-19 immunization and experienced back pain, headaches, dry cough and bilateral pleural effusions.The patient's parent stated, ""Ishe had the first dose on 27Mar2021, the following week she started to complain of back pain, headaches and dry cough, had not had those symptoms before the vaccines, states for the back pain she was saying she guessed she needed a new mattress, so it was there but not serious, states then on the 17Apr2021 is when she got the second dose ofthe Pfizer Covid vaccine, on a Friday after that and that Sunday afterwardsshe described the pain as just really worse, states the cough got worse, states in the early part of week she called the doctor and was not able to get in to see them, states her daughter got to point where she used the wordexcruciating to describe her pain, she made an appointment at a same day clinic, by the time she got to the appointment on 23Apr2021, she was complaining of chest pain as well, the doctor sent her for chest X-ray, the chest X-ray showed pleural effusions in the bases of both lungs. Sent for a CT scan of the chest, they couldn't get her in for a month for this, states by the time she had the CT scan, one of the things on the CT scan is that she had lymph node swelling throughout the chest and upper abdomen, doctor said this was unusual, from there she deteriorated quickly. States they did a thoracentesis and they found cancer cells riddled through the fluid the pulled out, found nodules on her lungs. It is important to note her daughter's history, she has a history of breast cancer, she was diagnosed in Feb 2020, the year before the vaccines, she had a mastectomy in Sep2020 and by all indications afterwards, the doctors said her her margins were negative, the skin in her breast was negative and lymph nodes were negative for cancer, was her oncologist, she had a follow up with the doctor in Feb2021 of thisyear, about a month before the Covid vaccines and if you read her note, shewas basically given a clean bill of health just a month before the vaccinesand her symptoms started. Caller states the only thing oof was the patient's blood count was a little low, exact details not provided. She thinks that her daughter had a unique reaction to the mRNA in the vaccine, believes thissprinkling of cancer all of a sudden after just receiving a clean bill of health a month before was triggered by the vaccine, caller understands that with the mRNA there is something to do with copying cells and she believes that the MRNA copied something different, states she ended up with cancer throughout her body, including spine and lesions on her brain, radiologist said as far as the lesions go says they were hemorrhagic, said it was unusual. She thinks the vaccine caused her daughter's death, her daughter was completely healthy, she did have breast cancer and mastectomies, she gotthe vaccine, got really sick, and the I think the mRNA of the vaccine copied the wrong cell and copied the cancer cell instead of the cell that itwas supposed to"". They did no autopsy, the reason she is really questioning the mRNA is the patient's condition rapidly deteriorated after the second vaccine, she complained of back pain, coughing and headaches after the first vaccine but she was still able to work and go about her day but 17Apr2021 was on a Friday, by that Sunday her back pain was severe, the coughing increased and she even started to develop chest pain, what she wanted to say was that this all happened after the second injection is when,she was at #, they did a CT scan of her chest, it showed swollen lymph nodes, they did a biopsy that showed cancer cells, so the reason the caller thinks it was the mRNA, is because in Feb the patient had been healthy by all indication, it appeared something just showered her body with cancer cells, she had cancer in her lungs, spine, brain. Caller states because of how many tumors patient had they didn't do an autopsy. Caller states the patient was put on hospice, they did do brain radiation, but she got to a point where she was deteriorating rapidly and was put on hospice for a weekbefore she died, doctors did ask about an autopsy, but at that point, as a parent, it was all happening so quickly. The patient died on 22Jul2021. An autopsy was not performed. The outcome of the events was unknown.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Metastatic breast cancer""1810620-1 She was taken off of life support 2 weeks ago; found her unresponsive in her home; heart inflammation; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program a regulatory authority via a contactable consumer. The consumer reported similar events for three patients. This is the first report. A 42-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY Lot number was not reported) via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (at 42-year-old) as DOSE 2, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient previously received the first single dose of bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY Lot number was not reported) on an unspecified date for covid-19 immunisation. The consumer stated that no past medical history thathe is aware of. Her daughter found the patient unresponsive in her home after her second dose of the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine and was diagnosed with heart inflammation. She was taken off of life support 2 weeksago. The outcome of the events was unknown. The lot number for the vaccine BNT162B2, was not provided and will be requested during follow up.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202101377482 same reporter and drug, different patient and similar event;US-PFIZER INC-202101377481 same reporter and drug, different patient and similar event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death1821214-1 This is a breakthrough case of COVID-19 that resulted in death. The individual was vaccinated with the Pfizer product on 02/01/2021 and 02/22/2021. The individual tested positive via PCR for COVID-19 on 09/18/2021 and was admitted to the hospital on that same day. The individual reported COVID-19 symptoms of fatigue, weakness, cough, shortness of breath,fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and feeling lightheaded. They were hospitalized until their death on 10/04/2021. Death Certificate details are as follows: Part I Cause of Death A: Acute Respiratory DistressSyndrome B: COVID 19 Pneumonia Part II Other Significant Conditions: Viral Sepsis, Shock, Immunosuppression, Acute Kidney Failure ON Chronic Kidney Disease, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia The patient was considered to be immunosuppressed at the time of death, due to medication use; the person wasa kidney transplant recipient.1821612-1 death U07.1 - COVID-191828603-1 COVID RELATED DEATH; BREAKTHROUGH CASE1833119-1 He had the shot on 9/1/21 after his dr recommended he get it following his appointment. He complained of arm pain and some lip numbness the same night. He was more tired than usual for the first couple of weeks and complained once of a slight chest discomfort. On 9/20/21, he went to work, got off and went for a walk/ jog and 10 minutes later called me to sayhe had pressure/pain in his chest. He died a few minutes later.1840752-1 PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE EUA: PATIENT PASSED AWAY AT MEDICAL CENTER ON SEPT 26,2021 FROM COMPLICATIONS OF COVID-19. SHE WAS FULLY VACCINATED WITH PFIZER COVID-19 VACCINE. 1ST DOSE ON 12/31/20 AND 2NDDOSE ON 1/19/21.1843805-1 increased frequency and severity of asthma attacks with 3 emergency room visits from May 20, 2021 to June 23, 2021. Asthma attacks were different from the past with stomachache and defecation preceding asthma attack. Died in June 23, 2021. Autopsy examination found previouslyundiagnosed eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis/Churg-Strauss syndrome, including eosinophilic pneumonia.1864948-1 pt presents to ED with SOB, dry cough, chills; O2 sats 62% on RA; placed on NRB mask; eventually required BiPAP; treated with COVID vitamins, steroids, remdisivir, tocilizumab; experienced hypertension and started on Cardene drip; had an episode of vomiting on BiPAP with O2 sats in60 - 80s; intubated; pt coded 4 x with ROSC achieved; experienced decrease in BP, heart rate and O2 sats; coded and expired in the hosp1865333-1 I am the epidemiologist reporting on behalf of 42 year-old malepatient. Patient received three doses of the Pfizer vaccine, according toimmunization records. The first dose was on 02/13/21, the second on 03/06/21, and the third was on 10/16/2021. According to death certificate, patient was found dead on 10/31/21 at home (15 days post dose 3). Immediate cause of death listed is ?complications of pericarditis.? Interval between onset and death is listed as ?unknown.? I do not have any further details onunderlying health conditions that may have contributed to this fatality.1876560-1 Fever began 6 days following vaccine and progressed to shortness of breath by day 10. Tested positive for COVID on day 11, admittedto ICU on day 12, intubated and placed on ventilator on day 15, and died onday 57.1876598-1 Death1876630-1 Patient passed r/t perforated viscus1881317-1 11/3/21 Altered Mental Status Per EMS, neighbors called for altered mental status, unknown last known well. Per neighbors, pt is usually A&Ox4. Per EMS, pt follows commands, unable to answer any questions. Cardiogenic shock Procedures: 1. CT head: No acute disease 2. CT chest noncontrast: Acute on chronic pulmonary vascular congestion. Marked cardiomegaly. 3. CT abdomen/pelvis: Perihepatic and upper abdominal and pelvic ascites with moderate body wall edema. Advanced atherosclerosis. Mild diverticular disease 4. Renal ultrasound: Normal 5. Blood cultures: No growth 6. COVID-19: Negative 7. Hemoglobin A1c: 8.4 8. TSH: 6.8 10/30/21: This patient was a 49-year-old male with a past medical history significant for chronic systolic CHF with EF 14%, type II poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, LV thrombus on Eliquis, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, history of alcohol abuse, and a history of medical noncompliance who presented to hospital secondary to an altered mental status. She was admitted to the intensive care unit for cardiogenic shock secondary to an acute on chronic systolic CHF and metabolic encephalopathy. The patient wasseen and evaluated by the heart failure group at which time it was noted that this patient has remained noncompliant in the outpatient setting as well. Over the course of his hospitalization, multiple discussions took place regarding his status. He eventually agreed to DNR status. He did require multiple continuous drips that included dopamine, Neo-Synephrine, Levophed, vasopressin, milrinone, heparin, amiodarone, Bumex, Precedex, and dopamine drips during the hospitalization. Unfortunately, given his noncompliance, there was little that could be done. Despite multiple continuous drips, the patient eventually expired on November 3, 2021 at 1924.1905098-1 My husband, had a heart attack just one month after receiving the second dose of the vaccine. On May 21, 2021, his breathing didn't sound quite right. It was making a crackling sound. Shortly thereafter, he collapsed due to a heart attack. He had no history of heart problems himself. There is no history of heart problems in his family. Both doses of the vaccine were injected into his arm, but I don't remember which arm. He was admitted to hospital after he had a heart attack at home. They ran a multitude of tests, but I don't remember much. It was very traumatic. He wasin the ICU for four days before he passed away on May 24, 2021.1905891-1 Pt.'s states that after receiving the 1st dose of Phizer 08/18/2021, started experiencing symptoms 08/25/2021 of shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough, difficulty breathing while sleeping, and heaviness in the chest. 09/02/2021 Primary visit, Prescribed Inhalers for Follow-Up. Emergency Room transported (passed out), Pt. passed 09/08/2021. Cause of Death : Acute Hypoxia Respiratory Failure and Covid Pneumonia.1913456-1 A few days after taking the vaccine she was very weak and complaining of a headache. The following day she passed away.1916577-1 Case completed initial 2 dose Pfizer series in April 2021, and received a booster in September 2021, then was hospitalized for and died of Covid in October 2021. Summary of Important Events: 9/25 - Covid symptom onset 9/27 - Tested covid positive 10/3 - Seen at ER. Creatinine 1.73, Na 129. Started on doxycycline 10/6 - Admitted Hospital with worsening Covid, Sa02 77%. Creatinine 2.18, Na 128. Start decadron, remdesivir 10/7 - Startbaricitinib. US negative for DVT. 10/13 - Oxygen requirements increase resulting in ICU transfer 10/20 - BLE DVT noted 10/25 - Cefepime for leukocytosis, possible pneumonia 10/27 - Considering transition to comfort care 10/28 - Deceased1936517-1 This is an instance of breakthrough COVID-19 disease after which a death occurred. The individual was vaccinated with the Pfizer product on 03/09/2021 and 03/30/2021. The individual became symptomatic on10/18/2021 and a PCR test on 10/19/2021 was negative. However, an additional test done on 10/24/2021 was positive via PCR. The individual was admitted to the hospital on 10/24/2021 and discharged on 10/30/2021. However, they were re-admitted on 11/11/2021. Another additional PCR test was positive on 11/13/2021. They remained hospitalized until their death on 11/23/2021. Death certificate details are as follows: Part I Cause of Death A: Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure B: COVID 19 Part II Other Significant Conditions: Distributive Shock, Multiple Sclerosis1939994-1 Pt received the vaccine after visit to the cardiologist. He wasstable that day and was diagnosed with: HF with recovered LVEF, NYHA Class II, previously 25% , mos recent LVEF of 50-55% HTN - had an exacerbation last week; nose bleed, uncontrolled HTN, OSA on CPAP, controlled HLD, controlled DM. 2 days after the visit and the vaccine, he was found death on the bathroom floor in his home.1944419-1 Treated in the emergency department on 12/03/21 with chest pain. Patient presented with 1 week of ""dull"" chest pain and 30 minutes of sharp mid-sternal pain. Nausea and vomiting began after arrival to ED. No prior cardiac history. Physician diagnosis of myocardial infarction acute, cardiac arrest. Patient expired on 12/03/21.""1955116-1 Patient expired 12/14/2021.1968396-1 This 49 year old male was brought into MEDICAL CENTER by ambulance on 12/17/2021 at 0148 complaining of SOB and chest pains. Upon arrival he became unresponsive, CPR lasted for 1 hour with no change in rhythm until the death was pronounced. Previous visits noted for HTN, sleep apnea, cardiomegaly and obesity (350#). Unknown PCP or NOK information. Decedent told medics he got his COVID booster 3 days ago and started to exhibit SOB and chest pains since then. No signs of recent injuries, trauma or acute drug/alcohol intake. Labs put on hold for ME pick up... PER DR. at MEDICAL CENTER: Patient is a 49 y.o. male who presents with shortness of breath. History is obtained from record review paramedics and minimally fromthe patient due to his severe respiratory distress. Patient has reportedly been short of breath for the last 3 days it started within several hours of getting a Covid booster injection. Symptoms became severe today and he called the paramedics. Paramedics found him tachypneic hypotensive tachycardic ill-appearing placed on supplemental oxygen and transported here. Record review shows a history of obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, leg edema, nonhealing ulcer and hypertension patient reportedly came from home, history was limited due to the patient's severe respiratory distress. Patient did deny pain. Past medical history surgical history medications allergies family history social history and review of systems are all extremely limited due to the patient's severe respiratory distress on arrival and cardiac arrest several minutes after arrival.1971273-1 8-14-2021: admitted to the hospital for chest pain, stress testcompleted and negative. Negative troponins 9-24-2021: began having palpitations 10-2021: began having menorrhagia with irregular menstrual cycles requiring an ablation. 12-9-2021: cardiac arrest, MI with clot to LAD. Inoxic brain injury due to multiple rounds of ACLS. Subsequently died on 12-21-20211985010-1 Diarrhea, blindness, liver failure, death1992675-1 Patient had breakthrough infection and passed away.