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Closer look at covid hospitalization numbers, 2/3 patients admitted for other causes

Defining Covid Hospitalization Numbers
As more hospitals report spiking cases of Covid, confusion is mounting over what should actually count as a hospitalization. Right now, any patient who ends ...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Closer look at covid hospitalization numbers, 2/3 patients admitted for other causes +2
    Defining Covid Hospitalization Numbers
    As more hospitals report spiking cases of Covid, confusion is mounting over what should actually count as a hospitalization. Right now, any patient who ends ...
    • 即使如此,为什么疫情期间因为其他疾病住院的病人会暴增呢? +2
      • 因为打了疫苗 +2
    • 加拿大的新冠死亡数字是假的,住院和ICU同理也不可能是真的。 +4
    • Data from the government and fake news was so unreliable, +6
      they lost all credibility, now fake news start correcting their previous wrong reporting to make Biden look better....bump this up to let everyone know how untruthful government data and fake news reporting are... Must watch clip for Rolian....