That is why your negative side on earth created the vaccination program because in the vaccines are sequences that can hide and damage permanently your DNA so you can still stay enslaved. Don't be surprised why so many of your Children have so many health problems. In order to truly find out what is really imbedded in the vaccines you have to look into the nano level.
这就是为什么你在地球上的消极面创建了疫苗接种计划,因为疫苗中的序列可以永久隐藏和破坏你的 DNA,从而让你继续被奴役。不要对为什么这么多孩子有这么多健康问题感到惊讶。为了真正找出真正嵌入疫苗中的东西,你必须研究纳米级别。