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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有人开始起诉passport了? +3

    Here is how to defeat the passports. Step by step.
    1. Go get turned down or kicked out of an establishment, restaurant, school, etc document it.
    2. Call the human rights commission. 18003879080
    3. Make a complaint and get a file number.
    4. Use that file number and make a statement with the human rights commission.
    5. The human rights commission will serve them papers.
    6. The place that rejected you will think they can win in court.
    7. The judge will force them to pay because the human rights commission will remind them no business private or public can discriminate against anyone based on religion, race and yes any health reasons because it is illegal.
    8. Everyone will overwhelm the places that they will also fight against the passports by allowing everyone inside and not turning anyone away.

    They will have to pay for breaking the law, and they will not be able to handle more than 1 case at a time.

    No protesting needed. No boycotting. There are many systems in place but no education on them. 

    If you truly want to be free and not feel like a victim then do these steps and share this.

    No party representative is telling you this because they make money from votes and lobbyists. That's why I'm working as a public servant to actually help people wether or not I "win" any seats. 

    Independent 💛❤

    See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
    • 美国有好几个官司进行中
      • 加拿大人都躺平了吗?
    • mark! I will give it a try after Sep 13.
    • 老败终于露出狐狸的尾巴要全面疫苗了,美国大规模起诉开始了,渐入佳境啊 +5
      • 这个结局肯定是这样的,疫情之初就知道。散布恐惧->发放兽印。圣经已经预言了,逃避不了的。
        • 完了,诺亚方舟在哪里呀?
          • 开头已经用过了。彩虹之约,神说了不再用水淹人类了。改用火?
            • 看来得先斗神了😂 +1
              • “假如有一天,你穿越了,却发现自己正在霸王硬上弓……那个,拔还是不拔!?这是一个问题......”
                • 我不斗神了,我再也不斗神了 +2