From my account, I want to check my message.
POP Account 1
POP Server Name Type the address of your incoming (POP) mail server.
"" or "hotmail" or "" or ""
POP User Name Type your POP account User Name or User ID. Depending on your POP email provider this may be part of your name, or a combination of letters and/or numbers.
POP Password Type your POP account password. Depending on your POP email provider this may be part of your name, or a combination of letters and/or numbers.
Server Timeout We recommend leaving this as set
(60). Seconds
Server Port Number We recommend leaving this set
(110) unless your POP mail provider advises otherwise.
POP Account 1
POP Server Name Type the address of your incoming (POP) mail server.
"" or "hotmail" or "" or ""
POP User Name Type your POP account User Name or User ID. Depending on your POP email provider this may be part of your name, or a combination of letters and/or numbers.
POP Password Type your POP account password. Depending on your POP email provider this may be part of your name, or a combination of letters and/or numbers.
Server Timeout We recommend leaving this as set
(60). Seconds
Server Port Number We recommend leaving this set
(110) unless your POP mail provider advises otherwise.