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后续: 养老院回复的email

Hello xxx,

I truly appreciate you bringing this incident to my attention.

It was very kind of you and David to assist the Senior who fell down.  I’m happy to hear that were not injured as a result of their feel.

My colleague who supervises the Seniors Centre has forwarded your email to the Management Team for the apartment building next door.  It is their team that is responsible for ensuring that the concrete path is safe and well maintained.  

If there’s anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.

Have a good day!

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  • 枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 老人家摔倒之后 +19
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今天5点多的时候,和David在附近的一个公园散步。






    疫情期间要, 也顾不上保持距离了,救人要紧。

















    Today, David and I saw an old lady who was on the wheelchair on the north side of the '*** Senior Centre' building, on the the small concrete path which connect to the south side of sidewalk of *** Dr. Her wheelchair run out of the concrete path into ground which has Grass, and the lady and wheelchair both fell off into ground.

    David and I helped the lady to get up, and moved her to the wheelchair, and fortunately, she didn't get injured. In the end, she managed to control the wheelchair back to the Senior Centre building.

    We checked that concrete path, in the middle part of the path, It is about 1 feet high above the ground in the middle part. If that lady fell off from the middle part, she could get seriously injured. This height may not be dangerous to young adults, but it will be dangerous to seniors especially if they are in a wheelchair.

    I would suggest installing handrail on both sides of the concret road to prevent seniors from falling off the road into the ground.

    If you need more detailed information, I can be reached at ***-***-***.

    best regards

    2020年8月31号于多伦多更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • You are a kind guy! +7
      • 神阅读速度 +3
        • Next time let's try to reply before the main post. 😊
    • 👍 +1
    • 點贊善舉,多說幾句,如果有人倒臥,先不要移動他,問明是否有身體疼痛部位,眼睛是否能個別眨動,輕觸手指,是否知道那隻手指被觸碰,老人要問是否有假牙,並確定假牙沒有鬆動,如果完全不能自行站立,最好用擔架。 +12
      • 有道理,学习了,谢谢。 +2
        • 赞好心。特别是还写了封信给老人院👍。这种情况最好不要随便就扶起老人,好像上面草山网友的建议需要先询问一些问题。或者直接打911,911急救人员会通过电话指导你询问问题和简单检查以确定可以扶起老人。否则有可能好心做错事。
          • 谢谢你的建议,有道理。
    • 赞好人。疫情最严重的时候,我父亲在家门口路上不小心摔了一跤,也是一位热心人过来要帮忙 +1
    • 老了太难了,有点忧郁。 +2
      • 老人太难了!
    • you are so nice! +1
    • You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NICE +1
    • 点赞。 就是不知道这个出现多次的David是谁
      • 应该是儿子
        • 这么尊重自己儿子,那再点一个赞
        • 是一个朋友。
    • 👍
    • 丫丫爸爸完美 +1
      • 别那么说。有些事情发生的时候不会马上反应过来,只有事后才会反应过来。
    • 顶,善举。
    • 我走在多伦多的路上, 看到一个白发苍苍的老妇人跌倒, 马上小跑过去扶了一把, 结果旁边的他们家人不仅没有去扶, 反而问我为什么把老人推倒了, 呵呵。都是国人, 我直接瞪了他们一眼, 然后回车里, 发动车, 然后给他们竖了一个中指, 开车扬长而去😂 +2
      • 如果有家人,你真的不该去扶。
        • 他们的家人在大概10步以外, 我当时没看见她的家人, 就听见"磅"一声, 下意识的跑过去扶了, 没想那么多。后来他们上来了我才知道是她的家人
    • 最应该做的事情是叫警察或者养老院医务人员。不能乱帮忙,反而好心帮倒忙。善良也要看场合,有时就是自我感动,认同楼上 草山的 观点。 +1
      • 呵呵, 要是想讹人, 只要你在旁边就有可能讹上你, 你以为你能因为只询问老人情况, 就放过你了吗? 😅。。不过你说的也对, 我现在基本看谁都不会去扶了。爱谁谁爱咋咋😂
        • 我想楼上说的不是担心被讹人的问题,而是有些情况是不能随便扶的,特别是楼主遇到的情况,老人是趴卧的而且坐不起来,扶的不正确容易伤到老人,好心办错事,楼主真的是很幸运了。 +1
          • 俺觉得两方面最好都要考虑到,才能正确的施救同时也保护自己......太多的案例迫使人们做善事时不得不考虑周全.....
    • 读帖及回复有感:楼主善举感人,同时也算运气好,有同样的好心人相助及目击者...现实中若那倒地的老人不但残疾还痴呆,且无好心目击者的话,若遇上不知真相或非善茬的老人家属/朋友,有可能好心未必有好报,理想处理或许是有录像/旁人为证似乎稳妥些...
      • 我觉得楼主的运气好不是没被讹,是老人没大事儿。 +2
        • 还是遇上的人够好,否则再没啥事也能被整出大事......见过国内老人与家人演双簧碰瓷讹钱的没? +1
          • 我说的老人没大事儿,意思是没有被真的扶坏了。楼主遇到的这个情况我认为不应该没问清楚情况就扶的。 +1
            • 那倒是,确实周全考虑应该打911喊救护车...... +1
      • 有旁人,总共有4个路人。
    • 后续: 养老院回复的email
      Hello xxx,

      I truly appreciate you bringing this incident to my attention.

      It was very kind of you and David to assist the Senior who fell down.  I’m happy to hear that were not injured as a result of their feel.

      My colleague who supervises the Seniors Centre has forwarded your email to the Management Team for the apartment building next door.  It is their team that is responsible for ensuring that the concrete path is safe and well maintained.  

      If there’s anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.

      Have a good day!

      • BS. 让 90+ 老人自由活动,还甩锅。
      • 能有回复就好。
    • 好心有好报!好人一生平安! +1
    • 热心肠的好心人👍👍