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People who filed a tax return for 2019 or 2018

No additional action is needed by taxpayers who:

have already filed their tax returns this year for 2019. The IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount.
haven’t filed yet for 2019 but filed a 2018 federal tax return. For these taxpayers the IRS will use their information from 2018 tax filings to make the Economic Impact Payment calculations.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 有TN拿到1200的吗
    • IRS 的网站上说是 US Resident -- For most taxpayers, payments are automatic, and no further action is needed. This includes taxpayers who filed tax returns in 2018 and 2019 and most seniors and retirees.
      • People who filed a tax return for 2019 or 2018
        No additional action is needed by taxpayers who:

        have already filed their tax returns this year for 2019. The IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount.
        haven’t filed yet for 2019 but filed a 2018 federal tax return. For these taxpayers the IRS will use their information from 2018 tax filings to make the Economic Impact Payment calculations.
    • TN单身在规定收入以下有,夫妻联合报税如果配偶没有SSN则全家没有。SSN很关键,没有的话全家连坐都没有。小孩有SSN且父母也全有SSN可以领500刀。
      • LOL,为了能秋后算账。
      • 不会吧,我怎么看到的是只要报税的都有呢。 +1
        • 我刚刚查了, 说“Payment Status Not Available". 失望!!
          • 也查了,同失望。。
            • UPDATE: 今天又查了 "Get my payment" web portal, 说要我提供BANK Info. So 同学们有时间可以查一下 "Get my payment" web portal。。。
              • 谢谢更新。我查了下还是原来信息。。payment status not available
                • Then your salary is indeed over the range ($100K)?
          • 我刚刚查了, According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.
            • 对TN们表示同情。
          • 我也是Payment Status Not Available,应该是不符合领取资格。
        • 不是tn 的问题。 我之前也是同样查询结果。 然后更新了银行信息,就变成qualified 啦。建议你确认direct depositwork。 以前没有refund,你所输入的银行信息不能作为direct deposit,我昨天在irs 上查到的
          • 请问你已经拿到钱了吗?@小得溜地跟着88
            • Not yet
              • Me either!
                • 说是Tuesday noon 之前提供银行账号的,following Saturday有payment date,我之后的就再一个星期六
                  • 我是周一上午提供银行账号的, 下周应该有了吧?!
                    • 我的有日期了,你也去查查吧
                      • 我的5/6 会到账!多谢!
          • Federal government sued for denying stimulus checks to Americans married to undocumented immigrants
            • 小孩没ssn 被区别对待管不管呀? 去年保税孩子就区别对待拿不同的credit
    • 有。儿子2018年八月份开始工作,收入小于7万五,今天刚拿到1200.T N。
      • 交税的都可以拿到,还是美国好吧?
        • 我的观点:美国政策有问题。真不该拿。应给更需要的人。
          • 美国政策有啥问题?
            • 比如我儿子,18年工作才四个多月,少于7万五,但19年收入不算低。还能拿1200。觉得我儿子不应是需要补助的。
              • 理是这个理,法还是法。遵纪守法吧。如果觉得应该做点事儿,那就拿钱为美国做点儿有益于美国人民的事儿吧
              • 19年的税还没报吧,19年如果超过99,000则没有,到时要还回去的。 +1
                • still have, just over 100 reduce 5
                • The cash payment is nontaxable government aid — you won't have to repay any part of your stimulus check, even if you get too much.
      • 收入太低了吧 +1
        • 是4,5个月的收入 +1
          • 这不合理,如果有人年薪四十万,只来了一个月,也能拿到
    • 到底收入多少可以拿到这钱?我怎么听说19-20万还有
      • 跟TN没有关系 只要是美国税务居民就可以
    • 新bill,又发钱了, ITIN filer
      • 是。儿子又能拿到$1200.如果参院批准。
        • 儿子说这次如果能拿到,将捐出一半。
      • 208 vs. 199 想想就知道,这是猪党主推的,共和党及川建国都不同意,参院,veto两道关,所以可以忽略。