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I can't find your message under daycare topic ,so I reply here.

My baby has been in private home care for a month. It's not bad. There's an agency to adminestrate the caregivers. They check the health and criminal record for all the family members of the care giver. they vist the home every month unschedulely and give parents a telephone report. they can also provide toys and books for caregivers.caregivers are required to attend first aid and other training course. I feel it's pretty formal , and the family environment is better for young children .(my kid is 12 month now).here's some websites for your reference: www.familydaycare.com, www .weewatch.com, starpages.com/jf-home-daycare

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请问一岁前送宝宝回国的姐妹:在这里打了一半的疫苗,回国后如何继续呢?谢谢!
    • 应该全能接得上,你记住带着疫苗卡,到你居住的地方的卫生院,他们就会给你安排时间。你要先问小孩子在加拿大的医生,哪些疫苗需要,哪些不要。我儿子的医生就建议不种卡介苗。
      • why no 卡介苗?
        • 医生是说在国内打了卡介苗的小孩回来后,在上学前做结核测试时会有反映,医生说在这边一般不提前打,而是根据测试的反映决定该怎麽办。
          • really? thanks for the info.
      • 在国内小孩要打得疫苗比这里的多,即使这里的医生说不用打,我觉得也该让小孩打,毕竟是生活在国内,环境和这里不一样
    • 妞妞,你准备送回去吗?
      • 现在正在考虑,但将是我最后万不得已的选择。事实上我正在找daycare 看能否收宝宝,还得给一部分subsidy才行,否则负担不起。一岁半一下的宝宝找到空位并不容易。难啊。
        • I feel home child care is better than day care for young children, and cheaper.
          • 你的孩子在private home day care吗?感觉怎样?我在找day care的时候发现好多home day care,也不知比day care centre怎样,总担心它不正规,尽管它也有执照。
    • 你办寄养证了吗?孩子回国是必须要办的吗?
      • 哈哈,现在还只是考虑,如果疫苗不能继续,我不会送宝宝回去,即使送回去也只会半年至一年。
        • 我们也是这么想的,唉。
    • I can't find your message under daycare topic ,so I reply here.
      My baby has been in private home care for a month. It's not bad. There's an agency to adminestrate the caregivers. They check the health and criminal record for all the family members of the care giver. they vist the home every month unschedulely and give parents a telephone report. they can also provide toys and books for caregivers.caregivers are required to attend first aid and other training course. I feel it's pretty formal , and the family environment is better for young children .(my kid is 12 month now).here's some websites for your reference: www.familydaycare.com, www .weewatch.com, starpages.com/jf-home-daycare
      • 请问费用大概中多少?