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Hey, Mr. tiger, thx for your post. Your former post I got a chance to read, well, it's really,,,,. ^_^ Even though I don't have much time on rolia these days, I know the forum is so exciting. Actually we also argue on similiar topics. But

different people hold different opinions just because of different backgrounds. If we couldn't persuade each other, you could just go ahead insist on your opinion. If we could fortunately make friends, just find out what's in common. If not, just ignore it. So, let's be more tolerate. This is my life attitude. I really feel sorry if his words or posts offend and hurt anyone. Say sorry to you. I know you are very sincere, that's why I can't help writing something.

Thanks for reading my post. And have a wonderful day. lumlum ^_^

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 我来了。不知昨天我贴的有没有人看到(斑竹的手很快),如果没那自然最好了。我现在向numnum 正式道歉
    • 那帖子应该还在吧, 你说的有道理, 但道歉更有气度. 不打不相识呀, 呵呵..我说SAILOR不必太紧张, 论坛里都是成年人, 有自我调整的能力...
      • 帖子看过,写得很好。虽然观点不同,但保持了对他人的尊重,挺不错的人!
    • Thank you!
      • 版主,您是不是今天都不敢出门,就守着计算机?真不好意思,耽误您的自由活动和找工作了。不过,您要想走就走吧,大家会主动维护这儿的气氛的。放心吧!
        • 前两天不主动,今天就主动了?如果真主动,就不会有昨天的被动了。不过,我希望如你所愿。
      • sailor可以:1.组织人员进行删帖管理;2.实现自动删帖。能实现吗?否则太辛苦了。
    • 昨天的贴子写的不错,照道理讲是不应该被删除的,今天的道歉也很出色。而且你说了什么是修养的真谛。如果每个人睡觉前都想想今天自己做了什么?认真反省,自己才会进步。终日浑浑噩噩地,就象猪了。
    • 这人挺可爱的,实在,不绷着劲儿。
    • Hey, Mr. tiger, thx for your post. Your former post I got a chance to read, well, it's really,,,,. ^_^ Even though I don't have much time on rolia these days, I know the forum is so exciting. Actually we also argue on similiar topics. But
      different people hold different opinions just because of different backgrounds. If we couldn't persuade each other, you could just go ahead insist on your opinion. If we could fortunately make friends, just find out what's in common. If not, just ignore it. So, let's be more tolerate. This is my life attitude. I really feel sorry if his words or posts offend and hurt anyone. Say sorry to you. I know you are very sincere, that's why I can't help writing something.

      Thanks for reading my post. And have a wonderful day. lumlum ^_^
      • 完全同意。有时双方观点相差无几,有时只是个方式的问题,而让矛盾激化的往往是过程。昨天有网友传了一段:“激之可使君子为小人,愧之可使小人为君子”,甚感。
        • //hand, Bu Yi Wu Xi, Bu Yi Ji Bei.
    • 既然贴出来干吗又想删了呢?道歉是一回事,删贴是另一回事。想想发贴时的你,是不是另一个真实的你。我喜欢真实的思想交流,而不是虚伪的和气。
      • 同意。人多有两面性,昨天和今天的我都是真实的我。那个帖子想法是我的但做法太不妥:当我认为别人以小人之心度君子之腹的同时对方也是这样想你。我希望那个帖子消失然后能真诚地与numnum,与大家就同样的论题交流。
        • 同意,同意。大家多交流。
        • btw, 你为什么叫平养虎,有什么典故?
          • 你想想谁会欺负他?有一句话叫虎落平阳被----欺。
            • you got it. 不要问我的辛酸史.(不过效果真的不错)
    • 我觉得你不需要道歉的,我同意你的观点,但这不是原因,辩论中要尊重自己的对手,恶言相对固然不好,但之后出言道歉,表明自己的君子之度,却又使对方陷入小人之地。所以,吵完就是吵完了,谁也不用再多说了。是否记仇,全看个人修养了
      • 巨同意
    • 我看了,很好。某些部分也是我想说的。你是就事论事,要道歉也轮不到你。
    • I wish no one will bring any person grudge into our future chat here on rolia. If we can do that, I am really happy my initial post induced so many excellent arguments.
      Man, I have never seen so many wisecracks within two days! numnum has the honor of fighting against some heavy weights who don't show up so often here, must be quite a experience. Again, I appreciate all the time and efforts people(from either side) put in here. It helps me have a even clearer idea about my identity and my values. When you are here for the long haul, that's what sustains you.
    • ah? Take it easy, I was not offended and I understand sometimes people might become very angry.
      And frankly, I don't care a bit how other people think of me, the only thing I care is that I must not let angry guests misinterprete my messages, which can in turn hurt those friends I met in Rolia. They are very nice people and I respect'em. I only turn more vicious toward those hidden behind guest, who viciously attack me personal life .
      • good. i appreciate it. 作为一个ROLIA的newcomer
        为什么我反感,为什么坛子里的一些人反感,因为你有一点最让人难以接受:作为一个过来人,你应该用事实和体验来告诫后来人,而不是将你的观点强加之,更不该这一个XX 那一个XX。