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You have confused the identity with citizenship. The distinction is clear-cut.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Here is some brainstorming education:
Identity is a complicated thing, it's determined by one's ehnic backgroud,development and educational enviornment, as well as social and political infrastructure where he has grown up in. Wheras citizenship is merely a technical or more precisely, a legal title, it is awarded to a person so that he can do certain activities in a country. The eligibility to a citizenship is not based on how much this person loves the country, but on how long he has established residence in this country and how well he knows about this country.
In order to make you understand this somehow abstract concept. I give you an example:
I am a Han descendant, I grew up in china, finished my undergrad education in china, simply put, china has shaped me to today's adult me. In this case, my identity is chinese. Meanwhile, I have lived in Canada long enough to know this country inside out(including their stupidity and greed), so I was entitled citizenship to facilitate my activities to manage my property and to visit my parents. That explains why canada allows dual citizenship, because it realized the distinction between citizenship and identity. Furthermore, in the citizenship test, they never asked the questions like "do you love canada?". Even in your citizenship ceremony, you don't have to sing the song if you decide to keep your mouth shut, I did keep my mouth shut, the funny pledge to the Queen is just one of the uglies legacies from British commonwealth.

Enough is enough, okay, I talked too much, let me wrap up by asking you a question: " if you go out and grab any canadian on the street, and ask him how they identify you?" . The answer probably will be "chinese". That's it, you are born a chinese, and you are stamped as a big uppercase "chinese" in your bone, just take it更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 我想问各位一句:我们有没有权力不爱中国,我们有没有义务爱加拿大?
    • 我觉得如果你入了国籍,就有义务爱加拿大。
      • 那如果有人说,拿国籍只是为了换护照,将来要到美国或中国定居,又如何看待呢?
        • 每个人都有不同的生活方式,不同的选择.
      • We can't care about so many things, first we should love ourselfe, we should find job, we should get respect -
    • Love is a feeling not a right or responsibility.
      • 很独特的视觉看问题!
    • 爱中国 or 爱加拿大 is up to you; to judge if you 爱中国 or 爱加拿大 is up to others.
    • Let me put it this way, if some chinese has the right not to love China, then I have the right to despise him.
      • How about someone with Canadian passport hating Canada?
        • You have confused the identity with citizenship. The distinction is clear-cut.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Here is some brainstorming education:
          Identity is a complicated thing, it's determined by one's ehnic backgroud,development and educational enviornment, as well as social and political infrastructure where he has grown up in. Wheras citizenship is merely a technical or more precisely, a legal title, it is awarded to a person so that he can do certain activities in a country. The eligibility to a citizenship is not based on how much this person loves the country, but on how long he has established residence in this country and how well he knows about this country.
          In order to make you understand this somehow abstract concept. I give you an example:
          I am a Han descendant, I grew up in china, finished my undergrad education in china, simply put, china has shaped me to today's adult me. In this case, my identity is chinese. Meanwhile, I have lived in Canada long enough to know this country inside out(including their stupidity and greed), so I was entitled citizenship to facilitate my activities to manage my property and to visit my parents. That explains why canada allows dual citizenship, because it realized the distinction between citizenship and identity. Furthermore, in the citizenship test, they never asked the questions like "do you love canada?". Even in your citizenship ceremony, you don't have to sing the song if you decide to keep your mouth shut, I did keep my mouth shut, the funny pledge to the Queen is just one of the uglies legacies from British commonwealth.

          Enough is enough, okay, I talked too much, let me wrap up by asking you a question: " if you go out and grab any canadian on the street, and ask him how they identify you?" . The answer probably will be "chinese". That's it, you are born a chinese, and you are stamped as a big uppercase "chinese" in your bone, just take it更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 我真的不理解你
            总觉得你和加拿大好象有什么深仇大恨似的(你说enough to know this country inside out(including their stupidity and greed))但是为什么要入籍呢。还强调自己没唱加拿大国歌,显得自己有骨气吗?但是唱国歌只是一种形式而已,最主要的是,你是加拿大公民了。我不知道你说这些究竟是为什么。
            • Then you need to read my brainstorm educatin again, citizenship is only a technical title,,,.... It looks that you didn't understand the article either.
              • 那么我想在抗日战争时期叛变的都可以说,这只是一种生存的策略,其实我最恨日本人了。
                • In fact, people has to make compromises to Japanese during the war,such as hanging the japanese flags, or send kids to learn japanese in school, otherwise they would have been killed. Nobody call those civilians traitor.
                  • 我是说真正的叛徒,比如加入日本国籍,且做日本人的翻译那一类的。
                  • 但好象你不是被迫的吧。别跟我说你只是想家庭团聚,你吗不在中国团聚?
                    • 问得好!
            • Lynx: I think I have finally figured numnum out. See if this helps.
              I used to be puzzled too. Now I am starting to get him. If he is allowed to give a speech about his ideas, he is generally very good. But when he talks or debates with people, he does not pay too much attention to their point. He does not try to "persuade" people, he just keeps pushing his ideas through. Basically I think he is a good thinker and speaker, but not a very good communicator or debater.
              • I can't agree with you MORE!!! BTW, thank you for your email and I forward it to lost when he got angry.
          • I see. You just use Canada, like CCP members. They don't trust communism, they just use CCP. Right?
          • 你能说明什么呢?如果你在北京的大街上看到一个老外你会认为他是个中国人吗?加拿大STUPID AND GREED?OK, 那么请问您认为哪个国家不STUPID AND GREED?你认为你是中国人民,那么哪位又告诉了你他不承认他是中国人了?看了很多你的发言,真不知道你到底想表达什么?
          • I dislike the ugly queen most, I always wonder how can they be so stupid to accept such a funny heritage without complain. Maybe it is only a fixed habit to recpect somebody
      • 从昨天的"oh,canada",到这个post,你似乎总想说加拿大不好。不知道你说这么多是为什么,如果是想所有人认同你的观点,我想就算了吧。各人的观点不同,就象我虽然很吃惊你的想法,但是也能理解。这是你的自由。
        • I only want to speak out my true feeling and my side of story. discussion is fun, life is boring without bickering, forum is boring without contending.
      • 不管你说的对否错否,我同情你受到的人身攻击。讨论就讨论,为什么总是要攻击?小小的一个ROLIA上的中国人都不可以团结一点吗?
        • do you really know who is the first guy to personal attack others. do you really how ugly words he used to attack a innocent person. 如果我们不能对这种人嗤之以鼻,不能对这种人予以还击,有何以保护大多数ROLIA的和平爱好者们的利益呢?
    • 爱是一种感情,而权利和义务属于法律,你的行为受法律控制,但没有什么可以控制你的感情
    • I like Canadian people. They are not arrogant, they are laid back, they love the nature, they are not as materialistic as some of the americans, they are friendly and they are trying to build a multi-culture nation. And very important thing is
      they open the door to us-Chinese, some of them just consider Canada as a technical "passport issuer"...I love Canada.
      • 饺子姐姐,你的英文评论写的和中文一样精彩。本来就喜欢读你的随笔,现在更喜欢了。
      • Great, very great. I love JIAO ZI!!!
      • 现在我的生活比国内差得多,但我喜欢加拿大。
        喜欢OFFICER 对我热情的态度,喜欢人于人之间的礼貌和谦让,喜欢半夜十二点走在大街上不担心被人以刀相向,喜欢看到只有歹徒被警察抓走,喜欢看老外听我的英语时拼命想搞懂我到底说的是什么时的表情。。。我喜欢平等,that's enough!
    • 在这样的移民大潮, 别忘了加拿大是少数为我们这些CHINESE打开大门的国家. 很遗憾有些人只是利用这点,每个人有各自的目的, 无可厚非.
      • agree with your ideas definitely. I think CA is the best country in the world except china.
    • 反正我是爱这里的国土, 爱这里的人民. 我也不介意交税. 中国人受了这么多年的共产主义教育, 轮到自己为这个社会贡献点什么, 态度似乎就变了...
    • We can't care about so many things, first we should love ourselfe, we should find job, we should get respect
    • 我个人觉得,你想怎样都可以,只要对得起自己,让自己心安。