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COSTCO is one of the best place to shop, I believe. You can't comapre COSTCO with NoFrill. They are totally different. COSOCO delivers excellent quality and huge package. If you are single, maybe COSTCO is not that useful. However, if you have a large family, you find COSTCO is one of th best place to go. The milk, egg are all cheap. Tissue, detergent, even engine oil are all at low price. Attention! By "low price", I mean to compare with the same stuff or similar staff at other store. If you don't care too much about quality, COSTCO may seem a little bit expensive. The TV, VCR, DVD are all cheaper. You can compare with Future Shop or Best Buy.

Whether join COSTCO or not, I think that it depend on how much you spend over there. You can go there and take a look. They will lalways let you in even you don't have the membership, but you can't buy stuff without membership. If you like it and expect to shop there a lot, it is definitely a good place.
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 想入COSTCO,又不知付这50元划不划算,请常去的大虾,谈谈价格, 如,香焦多少一磅,梨,苹果,牛奶,水,鸡蛋多少一打. 谢谢!主要看看是否比NOFILLS/FOODBASIC便宜
    • 里面的大部分东西都不便宜。Grocery甚至贵些(当然是与no frills等店相比较),但质量真是好。
      • Milk is really really bad, worse, and the worst...
        • 我就是在里面有便宜牛奶才有点安慰,你还来打击我。:(
      • 请问比较过camping的帐篷睡袋等便宜不便宜吗?好象看到去那里的人很多,应该是有便宜的东东。
        • 不要看人多人少,Bay和Dominion好像去的人也不少。:)
    • COSTCO的便宜东西主要是打折的小电器,日化用品,日常生活用纸,日常食品不包括水果蔬菜,不好看的衣服,汽车维护用品。
    • 我觉得那里的牛奶是最便宜的,但是这次去,奇怪找不到我要的牌子了?为了满足自己的购物心态,好歹买了一堆的纸巾,没比较过价格,应该不贵吧。对了,还买了套Pioneeer / Home Theater,$499.99,觉得不错。
    • 找人搭伙买,两家每家出25就好多了
    • 食品:平均价格较No Frills、Food Basic贵,但质量较好,大包装的(如整桶的油)便宜一些。 日用品:大包装的质量好,而且便宜。 电器:很多便宜,如上周128M的Flash Card卖59.99。
      食品:平均价格较No Frills、Food Basic贵,但质量较好,大包装的(如整桶的油)便宜一些。
      电器:很多便宜,如上周128M的Flash Card卖59.99。
      • 128M的Flash Card卖59.99? 真够便宜的. 有谁知道这周的价格?
    • 没那么多家电可以买的话没必要办。我发现华人超市卖的生活用品也挺便宜的。
    • COSTCO东西还是比其他商店的同类商品便宜的,除了楼上各位所买的东西,我们还在COSTCO买肉类,例如各种牛肉,羊腿,三文鱼,虾等等,
      • smoke salmon is good at there, depends whether you like it
      • 能说一下包装多大,虾多少一磅,大排多少一磅,谢谢!
    • Costco每年做rotation是free,换油也很便宜;每年winter和summer给你寄一本coupon book,其中折价后的东西挺划算的,我去年就是这样去买了个折了$100的床垫;平时进门前也有一些coupon给你的。
      • 在他们那儿换油是多少钱? 只要MEMBERSHIP 就够了吗? 不要再另加钱?
    • I love COSTCO
      COSTCO is one of the best place to shop, I believe. You can't comapre COSTCO with NoFrill. They are totally different. COSOCO delivers excellent quality and huge package. If you are single, maybe COSTCO is not that useful. However, if you have a large family, you find COSTCO is one of th best place to go. The milk, egg are all cheap. Tissue, detergent, even engine oil are all at low price. Attention! By "low price", I mean to compare with the same stuff or similar staff at other store. If you don't care too much about quality, COSTCO may seem a little bit expensive. The TV, VCR, DVD are all cheaper. You can compare with Future Shop or Best Buy.

      Whether join COSTCO or not, I think that it depend on how much you spend over there. You can go there and take a look. They will lalways let you in even you don't have the membership, but you can't buy stuff without membership. If you like it and expect to shop there a lot, it is definitely a good place.
      • 最怕就是Costco的huge package. 我家上次买的Dove香皂用了一年半还没用完呢。
        • 没看见里面都是拉家带口的吗?我已经不止一次看见老外父母带着4-5个孩子,还穿同式样的衣服。刚开始我还以为是个球队呢。
      • me2
      • Thank you, I will go to have a look.
        • 我也想办卡,有哪位知道里面的冰箱火炉,吸尘器,拖把什么的便宜不?最近要搬新家,如果便宜的话我去办一张,谢谢
    • 感觉在那里换轮胎好像很好。和外面的正规的大店必能便宜很多,换一次,剩下的钱差不多够2年的年费了。
      • 没车阿,占时还不需要换轮胎,只想知道冰箱,火炉价格如何,也是免税的马?
        • up! up!
          • 谢谢,哪位大侠知道,帮忙