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根据现行的公民法: Canadians Born Abroad: There is no limit on the automatic acquisition of citizenship at birth for children born abroad to a citizen parent. 不过,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛10月31新的公民法草案Bill C-18 tabled in the House of Commons, 在C-18中关于Canadians Born Abroad修改为: Children born abroad to Canadian parents would continue to acquire Canadian citizenship automatically in the first and second generations. However, second-generation children (i.e., grandchildren) would lose their citizenship at the age of 28 unless they have resided in Canada for three of the six years preceding their application for retention. The proposed legislation will thus limit the transmission of citizenship to those who demonstrate attachment to Canada.

Individuals in subsequent generations (third, fourth and later generations of persons born to Canadian parents) would be required to go through the immigration process and then seek naturalization in Canada in the same manner as other immigrants to Canada.

C-18已经通过三读,tabled in the House of Commons. 估计不久就会生效, 保险起见, 你最好打电话给CIC确认一下是否会影响到你.

The CIC Call Centre can provide further information on the proposed legislation and the impact of the changes on Canadians. Please contact the office in the nearest region.

Montréal: (514) 496-1010
Toronto: (416) 973-4444
Vancouver: (604) 666-2171
Anywhere else in Canada: 1 888 242-2100 (toll-free)

Visit our Internet site for up-to-date information on the proposed citizenship legislation: (http://www.cic.gc.ca).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 还是关于去香港生小孩的问题。我是公民,请问小孩子生下来之后怎么回加拿大呢?需要办签证还是在我的护照上加什么纸?去EMAIL问加拿大驻香港总领馆,居然没有人理我。
    • 打电话啊。
    • 根据现行的公民法: Canadians Born Abroad: There is no limit on the automatic acquisition of citizenship at birth for children born abroad to a citizen parent. 不过,
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛10月31新的公民法草案Bill C-18 tabled in the House of Commons, 在C-18中关于Canadians Born Abroad修改为: Children born abroad to Canadian parents would continue to acquire Canadian citizenship automatically in the first and second generations. However, second-generation children (i.e., grandchildren) would lose their citizenship at the age of 28 unless they have resided in Canada for three of the six years preceding their application for retention. The proposed legislation will thus limit the transmission of citizenship to those who demonstrate attachment to Canada.

      Individuals in subsequent generations (third, fourth and later generations of persons born to Canadian parents) would be required to go through the immigration process and then seek naturalization in Canada in the same manner as other immigrants to Canada.

      C-18已经通过三读,tabled in the House of Commons. 估计不久就会生效, 保险起见, 你最好打电话给CIC确认一下是否会影响到你.

      The CIC Call Centre can provide further information on the proposed legislation and the impact of the changes on Canadians. Please contact the office in the nearest region.

      Montréal: (514) 496-1010
      Toronto: (416) 973-4444
      Vancouver: (604) 666-2171
      Anywhere else in Canada: 1 888 242-2100 (toll-free)

      Visit our Internet site for up-to-date information on the proposed citizenship legislation: (http://www.cic.gc.ca).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 将要通过的新公民法的主要变化如下:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OTTAWA, October 31, 2002 -- The Honourable Denis Coderre, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, tabled a new citizenship bill in the House of Commons today. The proposed legislation reasserts the rights and freedoms of Canadians and reinforces the responsibilities associated with being Canadian and the importance of a strong commitment to Canada.

      The citizenship bill proposes that:

      a greater emphasis be placed on existing Canadian values by changing the oath of citizenship to include a direct expression of loyalty to Canada;

      a permanent resident be physically present in Canada for a total of three years out of the six years immediately prior to applying for Canadian citizenship;

      a fully judicial process be instituted under which a judge would decide if an individual's citizenship should be revoked;

      new powers be granted to the minister to annul citizenship obtained through the use of a false identity;

      the Governor-in-Council be able to refuse citizenship in those rare cases where a person demonstrates a flagrant disregard for Canadian values;

      children adopted abroad by Canadians become citizens without having to enter Canada as permanent residents and apply for citizenship;

      citizenship commissioners, currently designated as citizenship judges, play a more active role in promoting Canadian citizenship.

      Many elements of Canada's current Citizenship Act work well and would remain part of the new law, including the following provisions: children born in Canada will automatically become Canadian citizens; Canadian citizens will still be able to be citizens of other countries; and applicants for Canadian citizenship must still demonstrate sufficient knowledge of Canada and of one of its two official languages before being granted citizenship.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 对大家最大的影响是: 申请公民的条件从原来的四年之内住满三年, 改为六年之内住满三年! 但必须是physically present in Canada.