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1. Your child will go to ESL for sure. it's free, almost in every secondary school i.e. GTA.

2. I am not sure which grade your child will be admitted, 10 would be my guess which means 3 years in secondary school before university, not easy for the child to adjust the first year, not only languange, but methodology as well. academic program should be no problem in terms of subjects like math, science. Art, geograph, business and history could be tough.

3. No way you can get in any school except ESL or LINK.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 响应“西部开发”号召,即将登陆加拿大,请教各位DX,孩子的就学情况?
    • 1.2.3
      1. Your child will go to ESL for sure. it's free, almost in every secondary school i.e. GTA.

      2. I am not sure which grade your child will be admitted, 10 would be my guess which means 3 years in secondary school before university, not easy for the child to adjust the first year, not only languange, but methodology as well. academic program should be no problem in terms of subjects like math, science. Art, geograph, business and history could be tough.

      3. No way you can get in any school except ESL or LINK.
    • 加拿大在中国东部,西部在新疆甘肃 :-P
      • 多谢mssg的热情!foreveryong仁兄(或小妹),只顾了看戏了,忘记了地球是圆的了?不管你在哪里,中餐馆总是有的吧?难道在你那里,老外把中餐叫成“西餐”不成?哈哈哈哈,,,,:-b