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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务

It works, for sure.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 又改版了,如何 Upload multiple pictures? 谢谢。
    • Cannot do it in one single post. :(
      • only for premium users?
        • No, not premium users. :) But HTML knowledge is needed.
          • 为什么越来越繁琐,不是应该越来越简单方便吗?
            • Please try to post one first. It's actually easier than before.
              • 一张没问题。是不喜欢多张照片吗?
                • There's technical limit at this point. Sorry about that.
      • 我是要在一个帖子里有多个照片,如何操作?谢谢。
        • You will need to know some HTML. You upload your photos to another photo host like Facebook or Google, then you can use HTML to invoke those photos.
          • 能具体点吗?我可以放到google 上。 +1
            • Choose HTML format for the contents, and use tags like these: <img src="URL_OF_PICTURE1"><br> <img src="URL_OF_PICTURE2"><br> <img src="URL_OF_PICTURE3"><br>
              • 没试成功。是把<img src="URL_OF_PICTURE1"><br> 中的 "URL_OF_PICTURE1"换成picture 的URL吗?
                • Yes, replace it with the actual URL.
    • 自己给自己回帖,一个回帖放一张?我猜这是最笨的办法
      • It works, for sure.
    • 以前上几张照片都很容易,现在怎么一张都上不了:(