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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Please note that Immigration, HRDC, Custom & CCRA are different government agency. & RE: 1.2.3

1. When the child back to Canada, government will know, not to mention that Chinese custom will stamp the passport.
<b>**** Only Immigration & Custom will know. Do they forward this informaiton to CCRA, Even they do. Does CCRA have time to look at each files?</b>

2. Government knows you applied passport for the child or could ask you provide full copy of passport.
**** Again, CCRA won't do this, unless under very special circums.

3. Nowadays electronic transactions between government agencies happening everyday, millions in a month.
**** I was wondering what inside these millions? I believe tthey are focuse on the terriost, bu they even can't catch any.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 今天致电询问关于孩子回国牛奶金的问题,答复如下:
    • Great, thanks.
    • What you mean? If the parents went back China with kid, and no one here, still can get the money?
      • I guess, One must be here to pay the tax.
        • 这是你的专业范畴,不能guess, give an answer for sure
          • 荣幸!! I believe So.If you don't pay your tax, or you don't claim the oversea income, there is no way CCRA gives you the child benefit. The government is not stupid.
    • 如果把孩子送回国寄养在祖父母那里,而孩子的父母都在加拿大呢?
      • 不行,因为祖父母不是监护人,牛奶金必须入监护人的帐户。
        • 那么请问如何才能使在中国的祖父母具备加拿大所认可的“监护人”资格呢?我觉得监护人是一个法律概念,而不是说非得孩子的父母才行。
          • 监护人在牛奶金方面是指钱进入帐号的那个人,当然必须是加拿大永久居民,和孩子在一起并负责孩子的一切费用。
            • 谢谢回复。不过还是有点疑问,如果孩子本人是加拿大公民呢?
              • 我想是一样的。
          • Apply the kid's grandparents to become residents of Canada, and then..
            • It takes two years, and you must have a good income to qualify.
        • 如果把孩子送回国寄养在祖父母那里,而孩子的父母都在加拿大,那父母亲是否根本领不到牛奶金吗?
          • 应该是
      • It is illegal to claim CCTB, check here for the details:
    • 我的理解是,因为孩子和老婆一起回国,所以当作一个悠长假期处理,可能太长也不行。
      • Does coustoms data match CCRA so CCRA can get information which child is not in Canada?
    • 不想误导,但实际情况是:加拿大的法律也有漏洞. 大家可能已经注意到加拿大是没有出境管理的, 也就是说, 海关, 移民局, 税务局 并不知道你回国了. 所以, 大多数的人, 尽管, 孩子回国了, 牛奶金照领.
      • False, 误导, and Stupid.
        • 实际情况!! ??
          • 1.2.3
            1. When the child back to Canada, government will know, not to mention that Chinese custom will stamp the passport.

            2. Government knows you applied passport for the child or could ask you provide full copy of passport.

            3. Nowadays electronic transactions between government agencies happening everyday, millions in a month.
        • It doesn't sound make sense. but i do know people can not claim benefit while out of Canada. Now the goverment has all data that custom accomplished. www.drhc-hrdc.gc.ca
          • Please note that Immigration, HRDC, Custom & CCRA are different government agency. & RE: 1.2.3
            1. When the child back to Canada, government will know, not to mention that Chinese custom will stamp the passport.
            <b>**** Only Immigration & Custom will know. Do they forward this informaiton to CCRA, Even they do. Does CCRA have time to look at each files?</b>

            2. Government knows you applied passport for the child or could ask you provide full copy of passport.
            **** Again, CCRA won't do this, unless under very special circums.

            3. Nowadays electronic transactions between government agencies happening everyday, millions in a month.
            **** I was wondering what inside these millions? I believe tthey are focuse on the terriost, bu they even can't catch any.
            • I wish you luck. dream on.
      • 不想说你Stupid,但你严重误导了。你好多贴,如反过来看,都是正确的。
        • 这次好像又是这样...
      • 别删我的贴啊,我怕。。。 再误导一把: 小孩买"教育基金",具法律规定,是从成为移民后才开始, 但大多数人, 都追回到1998年. 一年400, 不要白不要.
        • 你能保证政府不发现漏洞,且不“秋后算帐”?
          • 政府的漏洞多了,他补的过来吗? 还有一个例子,许多人入籍后,去他国工作,依然在加国报税, 还是税务局民,将来还要享受各种福利.但从来不报海外收入.政府有精力,还是先喳喳这个.