我是移民身份,11年底开始在国内工作生活,太太是加拿大公民,太太陪伴我在中国。我的枫叶卡17年2月到期,我现在想要续枫叶卡,请问是不是需要返回加拿大才能RENEW?在中国可否办理?你是否了解需要准备什么样的资料?我看了一下网站,If you were accompanying a family member who is a Canadian citizen:
proof of citizenship for the Canadian citizen you accompanied abroad; and 需要原件吗?我太太现在也在中国,如果我返回办理,是否还需要携带我太太的护照国籍证明材料原件?
proof of your relationship to this person; and 需要原件吗?
proof that your Canadian citizen spouse, common-law partner or parent was outside Canada with you. 我太太在中国没有工作,除了京东之外的东西,也没什么证明她的居住地址的,照片之类可以吗?
proof of citizenship for the Canadian citizen you accompanied abroad; and 需要原件吗?我太太现在也在中国,如果我返回办理,是否还需要携带我太太的护照国籍证明材料原件?
proof of your relationship to this person; and 需要原件吗?
proof that your Canadian citizen spouse, common-law partner or parent was outside Canada with you. 我太太在中国没有工作,除了京东之外的东西,也没什么证明她的居住地址的,照片之类可以吗?